Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
General Q&A about the Codidact instance hosted at codidact.com or using the software that runs it. For questions about setting up your own instance of the software or questions about the code, see Codidact Collab.
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At the top right of each page is a link to Help. If you want a specific help article to be edited or added, please raise that on your community specific Meta so that a moderator can make tho...
In a Codidact community where I have not yet earned the "Participate Everywhere" ability, I am unable to comment except on my own posts and answers to my own posts. This is as intended. I attempte...
When a notification refers to new comments in a comment thread that I am following, the title of the comment thread is in single quotes, and the title of the post is also in single quotes, making i...
When a user deletes a question they posted, it shows with a notice which includes the following wording: The author of this post decided to delete it. It can only be seen by users with the Curat...
In the Abilities page for the Moderator ability, it says: Moderators also have access to special moderator-specific help pages. Since only moderators have access to these, the link goes to a ...
I just handled some "not an answer" flags by converting an answer to a comment on another answer. The "convert to comment" dialog asks for a post ID. The obvious way to supply this was to copy a li...
If a suggested edit is made on a question that has been deleted, the suggested edit is created successfully but does not show in the suggested edits list, even to users with the Curate ability (who...
In the diff for tags (as seen in a suggested edit, or in the edit history), the tags before editing are shown on the left, and the tags after editing are shown on the right. However, unlike the tex...
The reasonable adjustment duty on service providers and public authorities (unlike that on employers) is “anticipatory”. Service providers etc need to consider in advance what people with differe...
Expandable and collapsible text sections, created using the details HTML tag, are insufficiently stylized. This causes the browser to apply its own rules, for instance showing the default text "det...
Below a question, the time posted is displayed, and hovering over it shows an exact timestamp: Notice that the timestamp is followed by a "Z" to indicate that this time is in the timezone UT...
Unfortunately, the system won't let me create the tag I wish to make, over at Proposals. Codidact's soul must not be seeing the quality in this tag. Creating it did work when I navigated back to t...
This is a link to my user page. The URL is: https://meta.codidact.com/users/53890 This is a link to your user page. The URL is: https://meta.codidact.com/users/me Note that the URL ends wit...
The “Copy Link” button below each post has been changed so that it now has a pop up offering either a raw link or a Markdown link: This always appears just below the button, even when the le...
Minor visual bug (no effect on usage). When uploading an image during editing or creating a post, the page is greyed out while the "Image upload" modal is showing (as intended). However, 2 of the ...
If a moderator deletes an answer, and the author of the answer tries to restore it, a notice is added to the top of the page saying "You cannot restore this post deleted by a moderator", but the UR...
As I commented about the concerns expressed in this post, I realized that there is a way to provide a more "cross-community" view and navigation. My idea is to improve the Dashboard idea for this....
A somewhat well-known phenomenon from SE is "spam accounts" - that is a user profile containing self-promotional material which just sits there - the user isn't making any posts. Supposedly a paras...
On the user profile page there is a horizontal blue line across the top of the page that groups the tabs, with the currently showing tab highlighted in that same blue. On some of the tabs this show...
For quite a few months now, every single time I have loaded up a draft that I was working on, only the post body has been loaded in. The tag list and title never appear. They are either not saved, ...
Clause 4 "Termination" of the Terms of Service contain this paragraph: You agree that if you engage in any conduct that contravenes these Terms, your right to use the Service may be revoked with...
I just signed up and wanted to take the tour, but it kind of aborts abruptly when explaining "upvoting" the first answer. After two retries I realized this is because I did not click on the actual...
In the vote summary page the votes received for each day are listed (both upvotes and downvotes), and there is also a total next to the date. This allows seeing at a glance how many votes were rece...
The first tab on the user page, "Profile", has the username above the row of tabs: All of the other tabs on the user page have the title below the row of tabs: This means that when sw...
What does Codidact consider a duplicate question? What practical consequences does that have?
In the right hand panel on Software Development Codidact I see the following: This links to a question which has had 4 well received answers for several months, so it made me wonde...
I put some thoughts into the problem of attracting more people and the Incubator concept. I have ideas and suggestions I'd like to share. Maybe it gets something going. If not, also fine. Current ...
When searching, a user can be specified by including user:X in the search term, where X is the user id of the relevant user. You can also search for your own posts by specifying user:me. If you sh...
Right clicking on somebody else's profile picture, then selecting "open in new tab", results in a new tab opening, but with a download beginning instead of displaying the image inside that tab. For...
If you notice that a specific moderator appears to be taking a lot of inappropriate actions, what are you supposed to do about it? Is there a way to "flag" moderator actions, so that if a moderato...
Consider the following screenshot from the middle of a longer comment thread: So which text was written by Monica Cellio, the one above or the one below the attribution line? There is no visual ...
Error 500 when search for tags has no results Error id 419190fb-29fa-4464-9d96-e9f7f6d6c4d9 Example link: https://software.codidact.com/categories/38/tags?q=windows-installer
When writing or editing a post, a draft is automatically saved and reloaded if you close the page and come back to it later. I find this very helpful (particularly when switching between devices). ...
More specifically, I'd like to ask if ransomware has ever resulted in a suicide; we know that ransomware has led to deaths in hospitals, and that internet blackmailing has caused suicide, but I'm n...
Here on Meta, if I edit my preferences to set a favorite tag, the tag is highlighted in yellow like this: However, on Proposals, it's not working. Here's the setting (I picked a tag at random t...
When viewing a specific answer, it has a message above it including a link to return to the normal view: If the answer sorting order is changed to "Active", the specific answer stays at the top ...
When editing a post, an edit comment can be included that describes the changes that were made. Where the reason for an edit is not obvious, this comment can include an explanation. I recently not...
How would people feel about a network-wide convention of abbreviated URLs having the form, https://<topic>.cd? For example, a shortened URL for a philosophy site would be https://philosophy....
Seeing as Codidact is sort of an opportunity to do things a little differently than Stack Exchange, I was wondering how people feel in general about certain things about Stack Exchange, which we mi...
I wrote an answer to a question, followed a link somewhere, then went back in the browser (Alt back-arrow in my case). Somehow I managed to go back from where the answer was posted. I saw my answ...
Well, I had hopes. But it seems Codidact is in no way "better" than StackExchange in terms of ideas to test out new things. https://meta.codidact.com/comments/thread/10096 If this community also...
This would make zero functional change to URLs. It's purely cosmetic. A link to a post on Codidact often contains no user-readable information about what awaits at the destination. When I find lin...
Below a post the user avatar shows, along with the username and some stats. The username is a link to the user profile page: Note the mouse cursor shows a hand pointing to indicate this is a...
There is a box in the right hand panel of most Codidact pages showing information related to Codidact: The first paragraph says: This community is part of the Codidact network. We have other ...
I’m a learner exploring Q&A tools, and after researching, I came across Codidact. I’m impressed with its features and have successfully set it up on my local machine. However, I encountered an ...
What web development tools were used to build this site? What tools are used to manage it?
Try to create a new comment thread under a post by adding a title but no comment. The “Create thread” button is active, but clicking on it does not work because a comment is required. On desktop a ...
After making an edit to an answer (in this case an answer of my own on Collab) I pressed Edit to make a further edit and the Edit Comment field was populated with the comment of my immediately prev...
I am interested in the idea that an extremely modular software architecture for Codidact could have the kind of general, self-propagating benefits that things like being free open-source have. To m...
Codidact uses the open source Qpixel, which is also maintained by CD admins. Sometimes it is mentioned in passing that the devs are open to and interested in help with developing this codebase. I'...