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Posts tagged timestamps
Below a question, the time posted is displayed, and hovering over it shows an exact timestamp: Notice that the timestamp is followed by a "Z" to indicate that this time is in the timezone UT...
In the Suggested Edits list page, the time suggested shows as a duration since suggested, such as "2 days ago", but hovering the mouse cursor over it displays the exact datetime: However, in the...
When I move the mouse over the “posted … ago” text below a post, I get a tooltip with the actual posting time. However if I do the same on the last edited field (the one with the pencil at front), ...
I would like to see the date and time in UTC or my own time zone if set when I hover over the vague about 12 days ago to be able to compare when two events actually happened or any other reason. I...
Tracking when each user last logged in or last was active may be onerous but such information can be helpful in various ways, such as in deciding when to return to a post. Edit At least for the tim...