Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Posts tagged bug
Most Codidact communities have a link to chat (currently Discord) in the right hand panel under "Codidact": However, 2 communities do not have the link to chat: These communities are:...
For quite a few months now, every single time I have loaded up a draft that I was working on, only the post body has been loaded in. The tag list and title never appear. They are either not saved, ...
Seems like every Codidact section appears as a link in the footer, so I was expecting the new https://proposals.codidact.com/ to appear there as well. However, it looks like it doesn't. Is this an...
Main suggested change In a suggested edit page there is a “Return to post” button at the top right. This only makes sense when the previous page was the post. When the previous page was the...
If a moderator deletes an answer, and the author of the answer tries to restore it, a notice is added to the top of the page saying "You cannot restore this post deleted by a moderator", but the UR...
In an answer on Software Development there is a layout inconsistency in the metadata below the answer. Usually the user card is to the right of the date posted, licence, and date edited. However, i...
If there is a proper footnote (using the links) in the question of the post and in any of the answers1, and you click on a footnote in the answer, it will lead to the footnote that is part of the q...
When searching, deleted posts are excluded from the results for most users. The exception is that moderators and admins see deleted posts in search results. This is as expected, as moderators and a...
Trying to filter tags with a string bigger than two characters results in an internal server error (500). Example URLs: https://software.codidact.com/categories/38/tags?q=dat https://electrica...
Error 500 when search for tags has no results Error id 419190fb-29fa-4464-9d96-e9f7f6d6c4d9 Example link: https://software.codidact.com/categories/38/tags?q=windows-installer
The “Copy Link” button below each post has been changed so that it now has a pop up offering either a raw link or a Markdown link: This always appears just below the button, even when the le...
If a suggested edit is made on a question that has been deleted, the suggested edit is created successfully but does not show in the suggested edits list, even to users with the Curate ability (who...
When a user deletes a question they posted, it shows with a notice which includes the following wording: The author of this post decided to delete it. It can only be seen by users with the Curat...
Unfortunately, the system won't let me create the tag I wish to make, over at Proposals. Codidact's soul must not be seeing the quality in this tag. Creating it did work when I navigated back to t...
I just signed up and wanted to take the tour, but it kind of aborts abruptly when explaining "upvoting" the first answer. After two retries I realized this is because I did not click on the actual...
If a post uses a Markdown footnote, and then another post on the same page also uses a footnote (such as a question and one of its answers, or 2 answers to the same question), the footnote link goe...
I'm confused about the numbers in a progress-tracker for abilities. On Writing, there's a lot of spam. I've flagged a lot of spam. I have (for those who can see) 30 helpful flags. On a whim, I went...
Currently, people can create subscriptions with empty names, and doing so breaks the UI of the accordion. Collapsed Expanded I'm not sure if letting people write empty names for subscription...
When an HTML tag is used in a post but is not supported by Codidact, a warning message is displayed listing the unsupported tags. However, syntax highlighting hints in the form of HTML comments suc...
On the user profile page there is a horizontal blue line across the top of the page that groups the tabs, with the currently showing tab highlighted in that same blue. On some of the tabs this show...
Putting very long text without spaces in an inline code block in a comment, leads to an overflow, as the block does not wrap nor scroll. Screenshot taken in Safari on iOS:
Right clicking on somebody else's profile picture, then selecting "open in new tab", results in a new tab opening, but with a download beginning instead of displaying the image inside that tab. For...
In the right hand panel on Software Development Codidact I see the following: This links to a question which has had 4 well received answers for several months, so it made me wonde...
The search field at the top of the users page appears to only search from the beginning of a username. For example, trying to find my username, "trichoplax", succeeds only for prefixes of the name...
I'm just writing an answer in Mathematics, and wanted to include an inequality: ..., if $m<n$, ... On typing this, I got the following message: Unsupported HTML detected The following HTML ...
Below a question, the time posted is displayed, and hovering over it shows an exact timestamp: Notice that the timestamp is followed by a "Z" to indicate that this time is in the timezone UT...
With respect to the comment thread https://math.codidact.com/comments/thread/9445 I make the following observations: I received notifications for the first three comments. I do not believe that...
Sometimes I use the <small> HTML tag to reduce the impact of some collateral part of a text, and in the preview this is nice and dandy. Here is an example from this post on EE.CD (red emphasi...
Pressing “Save Post” during editing a post fails if you have become signed out. However, there is no indication that you have been signed out, the button just does not respond, and then becomes dis...
When searching for a user, from the search box at the top of the users page, if there are no results then nothing is displayed. This can make it unclear whether the search has finished with no resu...
In the Post History page for a post that has more than 20 edits, only the most recent 20 are shown, and they are numbered 1 to 20. The most recent edit is numbered 20. If another edit is made, the ...
At the bottom of the Activity tab of my user profile page, there are buttons to move through the pagination of the results. There is a “Previous” button, several specific page number buttons, then ...
Is there a discrepancy between the description on the Edit Posts Ability page and the way that assignment of the ability is calculated? The image shows the Edit Posts Ability page for me on ...
I entered the following markdown into an answer I posted recently: ### ImageMagick > <p style="color:red">An error occurred while installing rmagick (4.2.6), and Bundler cannot continue....
Sometimes, after having the site open for a while, it has been automatically signed out. This will not be apparent until you try to navigate and see the page in the signed out layout (no user avata...
Correct behaviour At the bottom of the right hand panel of the user profile page (or at the bottom of the page on mobile where there is no right hand panel), the number of flags that the user has ...
Try to create a new comment thread under a post by adding a title but no comment. The “Create thread” button is active, but clicking on it does not work because a comment is required. On desktop a ...
The "Sign Up" and "Sign In" buttons at the top right of the page (when not signed in) have a different mouse cursor when hovered over. The mouse cursor changes to a pointing hand and the style of t...
Generally when making a change in the input text box for a post, the editor preview updates to reflect the change. However, there are two occasions when this is not the case, and the editor preview...
Here on Meta, if I edit my preferences to set a favorite tag, the tag is highlighted in yellow like this: However, on Proposals, it's not working. Here's the setting (I picked a tag at random t...
This suggested edit on a math.codidact.com question appears to only add some tags. However, I had to open and compare the current status of the question to figure that out, because it shows the ent...
I just had to go into my account preferences and turn autosave off again because it somehow had been reset to on. I know that I went through all Codidact communities a while back (maybe a month or...
I have been testing the Codidactyl Tour and it looks pretty promising, congratulations on the idea and its implementation. In comments to its announcement I see references about the problems with ...
When starting a new comment thread, the "Create thread" button is disabled until the content of the "Your comment" text box has at least 15 characters. This character count includes leading and tra...
We installed QPixel and when going to Tags we receive a 500 error: The exact error is: NoMethodError: undefined method `tags' for nil:NilClass The installed version is: Version 6ba3d0ad (...
In the view for one of my suggested edits, the comparison between the revisions pulls the wrong revision for that which the edit was based on. I edited revision 1, but the comparison compares my ed...
I was on the Software Dev CD tag page, clicking through the pages of the "Hierarchy" sort. I wanted to see if there were git-* tags that are not nested under the git tag.[1] Surprisingly, I discov...
I just managed to flag the same post for spam twice. I flagged it, then commented on it, then flagged it again. There are now two separate spam flags on it in my flag history. This is potentiall...
Where? On the page "/abilities/everyone" (Link to Codidact Meta version) What? Under "What does this ability allow me to do?" subheading, first line. Erroneous part bolded for sake of this post....
The button layout on mobile browser is ... unusual. Is this by design?