Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Posts tagged feature-request
I would like to be able to set a filter on tags with "OR" logic. My goal is to quickly filter to all the tags I may have knowledge to answer. But since the tags use "AND" logic, if I put in all the...
I have some questions. Actually, I learned from SE, that "separate questions or, do not ask multiple questions in one", which is why I am not adding multiple questions at once. But, if we can ask m...
Can you please add a flag reason for "AI/LLM content"? I occasionally see people try to make some posts where they clearly just plug the question into ChatGPT and copy/pasted the response into the...
I made some questions and/or answers which I later learned were apparently preposterous and were downvoted, so I deleted them. As their author, I should be able to view them so long as I have a dir...
Why is there no written chat here where one can post without having to worry about deletions and downvoting? SE has a very good one where I have written a very lot on. Why can't we discuss a subjec...
Add support for AsciiDoc syntax. I find their syntax very intuitive and enjoyable. For example, numbered lists start with just a period; bulleted, a star. Nested lists don't use whitespace. Links ...
Some background: A discussion about deleting/preserving comments and giving user feedback popped up on Software Development meta here: How are we supposed to give feedback for poor questions if su...
It just occurred to me that it would be nice to have a "spam" reaction feature, to mark a post as potentially harmful while waiting for moderators to delete it. Benefits: Prevent other users fr...
I wrote a post without realizing I was using the default licence CC BY-SA instead of the licence I wanted to use (CC0). I wanted to amend my mistake; I wasn't able to. Other similar (but closed sou...
(I realize that this proposal might ruffle some feathers. Please read through it in full before knee-jerk voting. Also, I use "anonymous" in the proposal text for simplicity, but it would really be...
On a different set of Q&A sites, my usual entrance point was/is a page that shows questions from across the network on a single page. It does so in three ways: "Hot questions", meaning ques...
Currently, this site and Outdoors have discord servers set up for chatting, supposedly Writing has one as well but I haven't been able to find it. It would be nice to have a link to those servers ...
While the current notification system is okay, I'd like to be able to receive email notifications for things such as a new answer to my questions. (Of course, this should be opt-in. Maybe add a che...
On the Help Center page "How to ask a great question" (This link points to the Codidact Meta version, but this question talks about all the versions of this page in all other communities, too) Und...
How do you see a user's activity across all Codidact communities? First and foremost, the goal is to have an overview of my own activity, but it would also be beneficial to view the cross-communit...
I'm looking for specific information in the Help Center. (In this case, I want to learn more about comments, but I don't think there's an article for them just yet.) One useful tool on many help pa...
Sometimes I will compose a lengthy post, submit it, see it in context and immediately notice a typo - no matter how careful I thought I was being. I'm not sure it's desirable that, when I go to fi...
Where to find information about the abilities, is currently a bit confusing. There are too many pages. The help page for abilities, as well as the dashboard, present pretty much the exact same inf...
If a post has a lot of comments, the last ones are hidden behind a "Show more comments" link. For some reason, even though I know it's there, I really have to think about it each time. "I thought I...
Currently, when pasting a link to somewhere on Codidact, into posts or comments, the link is rendered in the output the same way it's written in the post source; that is, the URL. The parser should...
Currently, strings that look like some subset of fully qualified domain names are automatically turned into links to the corresponding http:// resource. So, for example, example.com becomes a link ...
Currently answers can be sorted by Score or Activity: I'd like to be able to also sort them by Age. Would this be useful to anyone else?
This site: https://proposals.codidact.com/ is not listed here: https://codidact.com/ and I think it should be.
I am starting to strongly lean towards that votes should pretty much always come with explanations. I wonder if it is not such a radical change in system design to replace the universal or generic ...
One way I think Codidact could have a big leg up on Stack Exchange would be a more robust notifications system, borrowing from the pre-established template of some other software. For example, on ...
I’m motivated to see a Philosophy site go live. Here is a post detailing how sites are actually established, from three years ago. I’m wondering if that answer can be updated to be more actionable,...
Here is what one of the closed questions looks like, and as you can see one would have to scroll all the way down to find the link to the dupe target. I think it would be much better if the close ...
Whenever a post is edited, the question is automatically bumped to the top of the category post list. This is useful for major changes to posts because people can see that something has changed. H...
I wrote an answer to a question, followed a link somewhere, then went back in the browser (Alt back-arrow in my case). Somehow I managed to go back from where the answer was posted. I saw my answ...
The Codidact terms of service (example is from Writing) include: You own the copyright to your content; by posting it here, you license it under the terms of CC BY-SA 4.0, including any media yo...
Have a look at this Codidact Meta post. It is closed. Scrolling down we can see a UI like so: When there are 0 answers, then the option to sort them by score/activity doesn't have any use. Als...
Background One may edit their profile and add information about their website, Twitter and Discord profiles. Issue But I also noticed that entering just the word "test" in the website field does...
Seeing the option to list a Twitter profile on one's profile leaves a bad taste in my mouth given recent developments on that site. I don't think it deserves to be promoted above other social medi...
How would people feel about a network-wide convention of abbreviated URLs having the form, https://<topic>.cd? For example, a shortened URL for a philosophy site would be https://philosophy....
I'd like to be able to double-click in a specific location in the preview of the post I'm writing (or editing), and have the site scroll up to the post source (input box), and scroll and move the c...
Here is a redraft and elaboration of what this post is about, partially in response to some comments I've received. This post may be about a few different things at once, and may need to be refact...
The library of Congress classification system gives items both a single class, and multiple subject tags. This system has some significant benefits. Also, their subject tag system has sub-tags - f...
It could be cool to have more accessible chatting for all posts. What if there were a sidebar on every post where there was always a live chat? Unlike SE, you never need to specifically create and ...
Seeing as Codidact is sort of an opportunity to do things a little differently than Stack Exchange, I was wondering how people feel in general about certain things about Stack Exchange, which we mi...
I find the search function slightly too hard to find. I mean, it’s just in the menu, but intuitively, I feel like it should be a little more accessible, immediately visible. Also, we would benefit...
One place in which I'm finding that more friction at Codidact than I was expecting is creating links to other questions with the question title as the anchor text. I'm going to use https://meta.co...
Sometimes I find myself browsing through the site and want to share a question. If I arrived through a link to an answer, I do not have a good way to "clean" the URL and be able to get the URL of t...
The Dashboard is an easy way to get an overview of the whole network at a glance; on a single page, you can see where there's been new activity that you haven't seen yet, on a category-by-category ...
When I flag a post for moderator attention, an acknowledgement message appears, but if I revisit the post later there is no indication that I have flagged it. I would find it useful to have an indi...
Is there a way to convert an answer to a comment and include the existing comments under the answer into the new comment thread? There’s no option for it in the convert-to-comment dialog. Is there ...
When flagging a post as "Needs author's attention", the interface provides a single-line text entry field for "Details?", which does not allow for newlines. Input text scrolls without any clear ind...
Can the Scoring help page's sample chart start at 0 votes instead of 1? Lots of posts probably have no votes or only up or down votes.
Show score on the horizontal score bar. When I started browsing first time I didn't know what the horizontal bar with green stripe in it is for. Took a while to figure out it is score. Wouldn't it ...
Prompted by comments in this comment thread - I agree that it's often very difficult to get feedback from new users in the meta area of a community, especially one that has custom software on top o...
It was previously noted that Codidact does not support explicit spoiler tags, although it's possible to hide blocks of text in collapsible sections (using <details> and <summary> HTML)....