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Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Post History
When we see someone comments we just ignore if someone wrote a helpful answer (If we don't have anything to say without beautiful comment or something else). SO has upvote system for comments. Inst...
#2: Post edited
- When we see someone comments we just ignore if someone wrote a helpful answer (If we don't have anything to say without beautiful comment or something else). SO has upvote system for comments. Instead of upvote I was thinking of reaction.
The reaction set contains any type of emoji. Whenever we hover left sided emoji it hover text shows who had reacted to it. If there was emoji (reaction) system than, we can react to comments instead of making that thread bigger. Like, sometimes we see sad comments we can use sad emoji and, happy emoji for good comment etc etc.
- When we see someone comments we just ignore if someone wrote a helpful answer (If we don't have anything to say without beautiful comment or something else). SO has upvote system for comments. Instead of upvote I was thinking of reaction.
- The reaction set contains any type of emoji. Whenever we hover left sided emoji it hover text shows who had reacted to it. If there was emoji (reaction) system than, we can react to comments instead of making that thread bigger. Like, sometimes we see sad comments we can use sad emoji and, happy emoji for good comment etc etc.
- Some comments might give wrong information. We can use cross or wrong emoji instead of making the comment bigger. It's not OK if 10 peoples say the same thing in comment. (We can understand how helpful the comment is by reaction. Even, currently threads are used for reference. That's why I am giving reaction priority)
- I want to put those emojis in a slot. Cause, there could be lots of emojis. And, when someone click on that slot then, it will show as popup.
#1: Initial revision
Reaction system for comments
When we see someone comments we just ignore if someone wrote a helpful answer (If we don't have anything to say without beautiful comment or something else). SO has upvote system for comments. Instead of upvote I was thinking of reaction.  The reaction set contains any type of emoji. Whenever we hover left sided emoji it hover text shows who had reacted to it. If there was emoji (reaction) system than, we can react to comments instead of making that thread bigger. Like, sometimes we see sad comments we can use sad emoji and, happy emoji for good comment etc etc.