Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
General Q&A about the Codidact instance hosted at codidact.com or using the software that runs it. For questions about setting up your own instance of the software or questions about the code, see Codidact Collab.
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Trichoplax points out that on Mathematics, having MathJax available on list pages is desirable, but for Software Development, it occasionally leads to hijinks. What should be done?
A specific question that was just submitted, doesn't render its body except for when previewing the post during editing. It's not rendered on the question page, not on the comment page, nor is the ...
Posts have a warning when an HTML tag is used that is not supported: Comments do not have a similar warning, but comments also have tags that are not supported. Should comments have a warnin...
Code blocks in posts have a "Copy" button at the top right, allowing copying all of the code in the block with a click (or a tap on a touchscreen device). I find this very useful, both because it s...
On a touchscreen device with an on-screen keyboard (such as a phone or tablet), the input field for a 2FA code brings up a keyboard of letters, requiring switching to numbers[1] before typing in th...
When an unsupported HTML tag is used in a post, a message is displayed to warn about this: However, if an unsupported tag is the first item in the post, the message is not displayed:
I'm planning to add a public API to Codidact so people can make applications that read Codidact data automatically. Features and purposes I have my own purposes in mind for this[1], but there are...
I was drafting a comment on answer and during that I marked the answer as "works for me": that resulted in the comment draft getting lost. FR: Don't discard the current comment draft when marking ...
FR: Could Codidact provide a data dump (e.g., an archive with all QA, comments, etc.)? Could be hosted on https://archive.org/ if need to save money.
That'd be great if, when editing or creating a new post, ctrl+enter would save it.
This website seems much like the Stack Exchange family of sites, but I immediately noticed some differences, like being able to comment at once and not being able to vote on this meta (but the abil...
I noticed an anomaly when I went to edit a question. The tags in the display mode don't match the tags in the edit mode. I didn't change the tags, that's how they initialized when I opened the ed...
Do Codidact posts support SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) for images and animations? I can't get either the image upload button or inline SVG to work. Is SVG not supported?
In an answer on Software Development there is a layout inconsistency in the metadata below the answer. Usually the user card is to the right of the date posted, licence, and date edited. However, i...
I just noticed that on the user profile page, the "All Communities" tab lists all communities where there is a profile, including deleted profiles. If a non-moderator follows a link to a deleted p...
In the Abilities page for the Moderator ability, it says: Moderators also have access to special moderator-specific help pages. Since only moderators have access to these, the link goes to a ...
In a Codidact community where I have not yet earned the "Participate Everywhere" ability, I am unable to comment except on my own posts and answers to my own posts. This is as intended. I attempte...
On any page of the Codidact network, one can click on the top-right dropdown button to, well, reveal a dropdown. This dropdown includes a button to sign out and a list of communities. Scrolling d...
It just occurred to me that it would be nice to have a "spam" reaction feature, to mark a post as potentially harmful while waiting for moderators to delete it. Benefits: Prevent other users fr...
In the vote summary page the votes received for each day are listed (both upvotes and downvotes), and there is also a total next to the date. This allows seeing at a glance how many votes were rece...
Discussion on Introduce a spam reaction? brought up the idea of preventing new users from posting links, so as to create an additional hurdle for spammers (who will rarely make any serious attempt ...
This site runs on the QPixel software, maintained by Codidact. What progress has been made recently? There will be one answer per year. This changelog does not include all bug fixes, but we aim...
Seeing the option to list a Twitter profile on one's profile leaves a bad taste in my mouth given recent developments on that site. I don't think it deserves to be promoted above other social medi...
There is a box in the right hand panel of most Codidact pages showing information related to Codidact: The first paragraph says: This community is part of the Codidact network. We have other ...
When searching, deleted posts are excluded from the results for most users. The exception is that moderators and admins see deleted posts in search results. This is as expected, as moderators and a...
If a suggested edit is made on a question that has been deleted, the suggested edit is created successfully but does not show in the suggested edits list, even to users with the Curate ability (who...
On-site searching is suddenly broken (as per today, I believe). When doing a search by relevance, you get posts sorted by date instead. Clicking "Relevance" doesn't fix the problem. Sorting search...
If a moderator deletes an answer, and the author of the answer tries to restore it, a notice is added to the top of the page saying "You cannot restore this post deleted by a moderator", but the UR...
At the top right of each page is a link to Help. If you want a specific help article to be edited or added, please raise that on your community specific Meta so that a moderator can make tho...
After making an edit to an answer (in this case an answer of my own on Collab) I pressed Edit to make a further edit and the Edit Comment field was populated with the comment of my immediately prev...
Old issue: Posting sometimes doesn't clear the saved post Moshi's comment points out that this old issue (closed in 2021) describes the same problem, so this may be a regression. Other comments su...
Please allow a user to permanently delete their account, without the current mechanic of writing an email to the support, writing another email for approval, etc. Please just have a simple button ...
Minor visual bug (no effect on usage). When uploading an image during editing or creating a post, the page is greyed out while the "Image upload" modal is showing (as intended). However, 2 of the ...
When searching, a user can be specified by including user:X in the search term, where X is the user id of the relevant user. You can also search for your own posts by specifying user:me. If you sh...
An answer in the Linux Codidact is using the price of solid state drives and hard disks to clarify its point, and does so by linking to these products in Amazon. Leaving my personal judgement of A...
How do I start a confidential chat room with moderators? Do I request moderators to start one here? I specifically want something similar to a chat room with good accessibility, not e-mails. I tr...
When signing in there is a checkbox labelled "Remember me". There is no supporting information to indicate what this checkbox is for. Without it, a user may not know which of the following it means...
I just signed up and wanted to take the tour, but it kind of aborts abruptly when explaining "upvoting" the first answer. After two retries I realized this is because I did not click on the actual...
Below a question are buttons for sorting the answers: Pressing one of these buttons results in a page reload, with the answers now sorted according to the chosen criterion. For cases where ...
In this answer, Luap had said,"Reputation can produce negative behaviors" (Unfortunately I lost some links of Forum Codidact's reputation discussion). We earn/lose reputation from voting of "anony...
There is a link in the right hand panel or bottom of the page on mobile to "join us in chat". Chat is an entirely optional extra, but I'm curious about it's usage, so this question is intended as ...
Sometimes, images found in posts blend with the background. That can certainly look better than an image that stands out from the surrounding page, but every now and then, standing out is just what...
When a user deletes a question they posted, it shows with a notice which includes the following wording: The author of this post decided to delete it. It can only be seen by users with the Curat...
When editing a post, an edit comment can be included that describes the changes that were made. Where the reason for an edit is not obvious, this comment can include an explanation. I recently not...
This is related to my other question, https://software.codidact.com/posts/291064. In that I argued we shouldn't close vague or confused questions, so that other people can post an answer if they wa...
Error 500 when search for tags has no results Error id 419190fb-29fa-4464-9d96-e9f7f6d6c4d9 Example link: https://software.codidact.com/categories/38/tags?q=windows-installer
Trying to filter tags with a string bigger than two characters results in an internal server error (500). Example URLs: https://software.codidact.com/categories/38/tags?q=dat https://electrica...
When searching for a user, from the search box at the top of the users page, if there are no results then nothing is displayed. This can make it unclear whether the search has finished with no resu...
When returning to a draft of a new question which does not yet have any tags added, the "Tags" field shows a single tag consisting of an empty string (a little grey box but with no tag name inside ...
The general policy on spam accounts with advertisements stored in their user profile (and no account activity) was already discussed here. I´m looking at an account whose current advertisement met...