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Filters also in search Filters and search are strongly related. As you say, the filter feature is something like a subset of search, only without the ability to input free text and possibly some o...
#1: Initial revision
**Filters also in search** Filters and search are strongly related. As you say, the filter feature is something like a subset of search, only without the ability to input free text and possibly some other stuff. However, maybe search in return could profit from some of the UI elements for filters, making search easier. **Combine filters and sort orders in UI** Filters exclude elements from the displayed item list. However they do not say anything about the sort order of the still included elements. The pagination acts effectively also as a filter (only show elements X-Y in the list). However, one could sometimes use filters and sorting order interchangeably, like for example filtering for unanswered questions could as well be achieved by sorting by number of answers in ascending order instead and just looking at the first results. Therefore I think that in the UI both (sort order options and filter options) should be as closely together as possible. **The amount of filter options seems about right** I think that one could work well with the proposed amount of filter options. Maybe one could add also the highest answer score, something like questions with score > X but with no answer higher than score Y might be nice to see. **Scope of filters?** Some of them surely make sense globally on all sites but those with tags might not. Maybe there should be something like a scope button (make available on other sites), so one would have a local and a global filter set.