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Post History
In search results the title is shown followed by a preview of the post, consisting of the first few lines. I would find it more useful to see the section of the post that contains the search term,...
#1: Initial revision
Tailored previews in search results to show the relevant parts of each post
In search results the title is shown followed by a preview of the post, consisting of the first few lines. I would find it more useful to see the section of the post that contains the search term, in order to easily judge the relevance of the result at a glance. For example, one of the results for a search for "notifications" has a preview that does not contain the word "notifications":   The full question text contains the word "notifications" in a later paragraph, which would make a more useful preview when searching:  It would be particularly useful to include multiple excerpts in the preview when search terms appear more than once in the post, and to highlight each search term. It might look something like this: