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Post History
We currently have no way to suggest an edit for tag descriptions. This is a known gap and it's blocking the natural awarding of the Edit Tags ability. I think it probably also blocks doing someth...
#1: Initial revision
We currently have no way to _suggest_ an edit for tag descriptions. This is a [known gap](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/325) and it's blocking the natural awarding of the Edit Tags ability. I think it probably also blocks doing something reasonable with _creation_, and I've just edited the GitHub issue to track this post. In broad strokes: we need a way for people to suggest tag edits, which means we need a way to make the existence of those suggestions visible so they can be reviewed. If we had that, then you could propose a tag description right after creating the tag. An even better way to do it, I think, would be to also *detect* the new tag and *prompt* you to suggest a description -- which you could skip past if you don't want to do it now, but that way it would be a little more discoverable.