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Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
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When looking at the Abilities dashboard of another user and clicking on any ability, for example the curate ability page of a mod looks like (I replaced the actual mod name with (ModName) for sake ...
#1: Initial revision
Misleading stats in other user's ability page
When looking at the Abilities dashboard of another user and clicking on any ability, for example the curate ability page of a mod looks like (I replaced the actual mod name with `(ModName)` for sake of generalizing question): <br><br>  <br><br> But the stats shown are **of the mod**, while my stats are totally different: <br><br>  <br><br> My suggestion - **On the ability page of any other user, if the stats of that particular ability are shown for THAT user,** then all occurrences of the word "You" should be replaced by `(ModName)`, with appropriate grammar changes in the sentence. Why this should be implemented - Keeping it like this only confuses the user (self-explanatory) and is misleading. Alternative - While I don't prefer this alternative much, I'll still share it - replacing the stats with the user's stats and keeping the text the same. Notes - This _could_ be tagged with [feature-request] but I'm not sure, so it is tagged with [bug] for now since it doesn't look very intentional.