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Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Post History
Try to create a new comment thread under a post by adding a title but no comment. The “Create thread” button is active, but clicking on it does not work because a comment is required. On desktop a ...
#1: Initial revision
Create thread button is enabled when the comment field is empty
Try to create a new comment thread under a post by adding a title but no comment. The “Create thread” button is active, but clicking on it does not work because a comment is required. On desktop a message is displayed after clicking on "Create thread" saying "Please fill out this field", but on mobile this message is not displayed, giving no indication of why the "Create thread" button is doing nothing. I would describe this as an inconvenience on desktop, but a bug on mobile. As soon as a single character is added to the comment field, the “Create thread” button is disabled due to the minimum length requirement. Could this also be applied when the length is zero? This way the "Create thread" button would only be enabled when it is possible to use it, and there would be no inconvenience on desktop, and no bug on mobile. ## Create thread button enabled with no comment >  ## Message shown after clicking Create thread *(Please ignore the exaggerated size of the message - this is a side effect of my screen scaling and will be displayed much smaller for most users.)* Note that this message does ***not*** show on mobile. >  ## Create thread button disabled by single comment character Could this behaviour also be used for 0/15 characters, rather than only starting at 1/15 characters? >