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Q&A Misleading button wording "Return to post"

Main suggested change In a suggested edit page there is a “Return to post” button at the top right. This only makes sense when the previous page was the post. When the previous page was the...

1 answer  ·  posted 5mo ago by trichoplax‭  ·  edited 15d ago by Monica Cellio‭

#2: Post edited by user avatar Monica Cellio‭ · 2024-10-02T19:48:45Z (15 days ago)
#1: Initial revision by user avatar trichoplax‭ · 2024-05-30T16:10:00Z (5 months ago)
Misleading button wording "Return to post"
## Main suggested change
In a suggested edit page there is a “Return to post” button at the top right.

> ![Return to post button on suggested edit page](

This only makes sense when the previous page was the post. When the previous page was the list of suggested edits it does not make sense to say "Return". It would make more sense for the button wording to be “View post”.


## Optional extra change
Sometimes the user may wish to return to the list of suggested edits. Rather than using the word “Return” and trying to change the wording based on where the user came from, we could simply have two buttons, one to view the list of suggested edits and one to view the post.

This might be worth splitting into two separate changes:
1. Change "Return to post" to "View post" so it doesn't look out of place when the previous page was not the post.
2. Add a "View suggested edits" button for when someone views a suggested edit and then decides they want to skip it and view the list again instead.

I suggest splitting these because part 1 is a trivial wording change, whereas part 2 requires knowing which category the suggested edit is in, which is non-trivial since the suggested edit page is not in a category, even though the suggested edits list page is. For this reason part 2 might be deferred as future work or possibly omitted altogether. Having a link to the post seems useful, but someone working through suggested edits can easily use their browser back button to return to the suggested edits list.