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Q&A Should details tags work in comments?

In a post a <details> tag can be used to hide information until a user chooses to click on it, useful for spoilers or puzzle solutions. For example, the following raw text: <details> ...

4 answers  ·  posted 4mo ago by trichoplax‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by Karl Knechtel‭

#2: Post edited by user avatar trichoplax‭ · 2024-06-15T14:48:02Z (4 months ago)
Typo in raw text section
  • In a post a `<details>` tag can be used to hide information until a user chooses to click on it, useful for spoilers or puzzle solutions.
  • For example, the following raw text:
  • ```text
  • <details>
  • <summary>
  • Click to see the answer
  • </summary>
  • The answer is "Ask why 5 times"
  • <details>
  • ```
  • is rendered as:
  • <details>
  • <summary>
  • Click to see the answer
  • </summary>
  • The answer is "Ask why 5 times"
  • </details>
  • Currently comments support some HTML, such as <b>bold</b>, <i>italics</i> and <sup>supercript</sup>. Would it be useful for comments to also support hidden information with the `<details>` tag?
  • In a post a `<details>` tag can be used to hide information until a user chooses to click on it, useful for spoilers or puzzle solutions.
  • For example, the following raw text:
  • ```text
  • <details>
  • <summary>
  • Click to see the answer
  • </summary>
  • The answer is "Ask why 5 times"
  • </details>
  • ```
  • is rendered as:
  • <details>
  • <summary>
  • Click to see the answer
  • </summary>
  • The answer is "Ask why 5 times"
  • </details>
  • Currently comments support some HTML, such as <b>bold</b>, <i>italics</i> and <sup>supercript</sup>. Would it be useful for comments to also support hidden information with the `<details>` tag?
#1: Initial revision by user avatar trichoplax‭ · 2024-06-15T14:47:06Z (4 months ago)
Should details tags work in comments?
In a post a `<details>` tag can be used to hide information until a user chooses to click on it, useful for spoilers or puzzle solutions.

For example, the following raw text:

Click to see the answer
The answer is "Ask why 5 times"

is rendered as:

Click to see the answer
The answer is "Ask why 5 times"

Currently comments support some HTML, such as <b>bold</b>, <i>italics</i> and <sup>supercript</sup>. Would it be useful for comments to also support hidden information with the `<details>` tag?