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Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.

Post History

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Q&A Abilities progress meter ahead of expected progress

I'm confused about the numbers in a progress-tracker for abilities. On Writing, there's a lot of spam. I've flagged a lot of spam. I have (for those who can see) 30 helpful flags. On a whim, I went...

1 answer  ·  posted 3mo ago by Michael‭  ·  last activity 2mo ago by Monica Cellio‭

Question bug abilities
#1: Initial revision by user avatar Michael‭ · 2024-07-30T18:04:23Z (3 months ago)
Abilities progress meter ahead of expected progress
I'm confused about the numbers in a progress-tracker for abilities. On Writing, there's a lot of spam. I've flagged a lot of spam. I have (for those who can see) [30 helpful flags][flags]. On a whim, I went to [the Vote on Holds ability page][vtc] to see how close I would be to it.[^posts]

Here's what's weird. The text at the bottom of Vote on Holds says a minimum of 40 helpful flags are required, and a 95% helpful rate. But the progress meter up at the top says I'm 83% of the way there. 30 / 40 is only 75%.[^math]

What's going on? Is the abilities page hardcoded with a number that is not filled in from the site configuration? Or is there weird extra math?

[^posts]: Well, how close I'd be to Vote on Holds if I actually _wrote posts_ in Writing.
[^math]: Just to experiment, I've changed the numerator and denominator to see what would give me 83%: 30/36 is about 0.83 and 33/40 is 0.825, which could round up to 83%.
