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Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Post History
Clearer distinction between Guidance and Site Info (Even if we make the main page directly editable as suggested in another answer, there'll be a default for communities that don't want to rework ...
#1: Initial revision
**Clearer distinction between Guidance and Site Info** (Even if we make the main page directly editable as suggested in [another answer](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/293275/293276#answer-293276), there'll be a default for communities that don't want to rework things themselves. This suggestion applies to that default, or to the current way of doing things if we don't implement that suggestion.) The "Guidance" and "Site Information" categories don't seem to have a meaningful distinction any more. Formatting help is in the latter but accessibility tips are in the former. Some topics in the latter are more "information" than "guidance", like how answer scoring and ordering works, but the voting topic is in the other category. I think there was a clearer information design at the beginning but that things have become muddled. I'm not sure how these two sets of topics should be organized, but I don't think the existing categories are the right answer. Do we want a "Formatting" category (three current topics, plus more for communities that use MathJax or code syntax highlighting)? Do we need to refactor some individual topics?