Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Post History
December 2020 19th: Added community switcher (right side of the top bar). Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav. Added more information to usercards, which are now confi...
#20: Post edited
## January 2021* **7th**: better support for new post types, including an admin tool to create or edit post types ([example 1](https://codegolf.codidact.com/posts/280343#answer-280343), [example 2](https://electrical.codidact.com/posts/280344#answer-280344))* **4th**: more user preferences, and better support for them* **2nd**:* Added dashboard link to site switcher.* License selector now includes short summaries of the options.* [Youtube embeds](https://music.codidact.com/posts/280227#answer-280227).* Many small usability improvements and bug fixes.- -----
- ## December 2020
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- * Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058).
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- ## November 2020
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## August 2020
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- ## July 2020
- * **31st**:
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **1st**:
- * Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- ## June 2020
- * **30th**:
- * Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- * Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the necessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- ## May 2020
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- * **23rd**:
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- ## March 2020
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- -----
- ## December 2020
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- * Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058).
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- ## November 2020
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## August 2020
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- ## July 2020
- * **31st**:
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **1st**:
- * Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- ## June 2020
- * **30th**:
- * Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- * Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the necessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- ## May 2020
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- * **23rd**:
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- ## March 2020
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
#19: Post edited
## March 2020* **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)* **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.* **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).## April 2020Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.* **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.* **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.* **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)* **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.## May 2020* **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).* **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.* **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.* **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.* **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.* **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.* **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.* **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.* **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.* **23rd*** Sites can enable MathJax in site settings* Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar* **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication## June 2020* **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks* **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better* **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)* **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.* **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)* **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.* **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.* **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.* **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.* **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.* **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.* **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.## July 2020* **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.* **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>* **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).* **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.* **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).* **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.* **20th**:* Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)* Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))* Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.* **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.* **31st*** Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.* New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
* **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.* **6th**: Added staff indicators.* **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.* **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.## Gap in logStuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)## November 2020* **13th**:* Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)* Added support for Markdown tables.* Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).- * **23rd**:
* Added "mark all as read" to notifications.* Improvements to signup flow.* Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.* **29th**:* New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).* Improved user profile page.* Improved flag dialogues.## December 2020* **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.* **19th**:* Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).* Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.* Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).* Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.* Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).* Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058).- -----
## January 2021* **2nd**:* Added dashboard link to site switcher.* License selector now includes short summaries of the options.* [Youtube embeds](https://music.codidact.com/posts/280227#answer-280227).* Many small usability improvements and bug fixes.* **4th**: more user preferences, and better support for them* **7th**: better support for new post types, including an admin tool to create or edit post types ([example 1](https://codegolf.codidact.com/posts/280343#answer-280343), [example 2](https://electrical.codidact.com/posts/280344#answer-280344))
- ## January 2021
- * **7th**: better support for new post types, including an admin tool to create or edit post types ([example 1](https://codegolf.codidact.com/posts/280343#answer-280343), [example 2](https://electrical.codidact.com/posts/280344#answer-280344))
- * **4th**: more user preferences, and better support for them
- * **2nd**:
- * Added dashboard link to site switcher.
- * License selector now includes short summaries of the options.
- * [Youtube embeds](https://music.codidact.com/posts/280227#answer-280227).
- * Many small usability improvements and bug fixes.
- ----
- ## December 2020
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- * Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058).
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- ## November 2020
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## August 2020
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- ## July 2020
- * **31st**:
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **1st**:
- * Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- ## June 2020
- * **30th**:
- * Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- * Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the necessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- ## May 2020
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- * **23rd**:
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- -----
- ## March 2020
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
#18: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- * Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058).
- ----
- ## January 2021
- * **2nd**:
- * Added dashboard link to site switcher.
- * License selector now includes short summaries of the options.
- * [Youtube embeds](https://music.codidact.com/posts/280227#answer-280227).
- * Many small usability improvements and bug fixes.
- * **4th**: more user preferences, and better support for them
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- * Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058).
- ----
- ## January 2021
- * **2nd**:
- * Added dashboard link to site switcher.
- * License selector now includes short summaries of the options.
- * [Youtube embeds](https://music.codidact.com/posts/280227#answer-280227).
- * Many small usability improvements and bug fixes.
- * **4th**: more user preferences, and better support for them
- * **7th**: better support for new post types, including an admin tool to create or edit post types ([example 1](https://codegolf.codidact.com/posts/280343#answer-280343), [example 2](https://electrical.codidact.com/posts/280344#answer-280344))
#17: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- * Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058).
- ----
- ## January 2021
- * **2nd**:
- * Added dashboard link to site switcher.
- * License selector now includes short summaries of the options.
- * [Youtube embeds](https://music.codidact.com/posts/280227#answer-280227).
- * Many small usability improvements and bug fixes.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- * Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058).
- ----
- ## January 2021
- * **2nd**:
- * Added dashboard link to site switcher.
- * License selector now includes short summaries of the options.
- * [Youtube embeds](https://music.codidact.com/posts/280227#answer-280227).
- * Many small usability improvements and bug fixes.
- * **4th**: more user preferences, and better support for them
#16: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
* Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058)- ----
- ## January 2021
- * **2nd**:
- * Added dashboard link to site switcher.
- * License selector now includes short summaries of the options.
* [Youtube embeds](https://music.codidact.com/posts/280227#answer-280227)- * Many small usability improvements and bug fixes.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- * Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058).
- ----
- ## January 2021
- * **2nd**:
- * Added dashboard link to site switcher.
- * License selector now includes short summaries of the options.
- * [Youtube embeds](https://music.codidact.com/posts/280227#answer-280227).
- * Many small usability improvements and bug fixes.
#15: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
* Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058)
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- * Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058)
- ----
- ## January 2021
- * **2nd**:
- * Added dashboard link to site switcher.
- * License selector now includes short summaries of the options.
- * [Youtube embeds](https://music.codidact.com/posts/280227#answer-280227)
- * Many small usability improvements and bug fixes.
#14: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
- * Added [wiki post type](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280058)
#13: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
* **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- * **19th**:
- * Added community switcher (right side of the top bar).
- * Added link to pending suggested edits to the category nav.
- * Added more information to usercards, which are now [configurable per community](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/280005).
- * Made search inline instead of having to go to a separate page.
- * Added the ability to nominate posts for network-wide promotion ([cross-community advertising](https://meta.codidact.com/posts/279984)).
#12: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
* **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from /post-type/id (example: /answer/39540) to /post/id (example: /post/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from `/post-type/:id` (example: /answer/39540) to `/posts/:id` (example: /posts/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
#11: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
- ## December 2020
- * **16th**: Updates to the core logic for posts, which makes it more flexible. URLs change from /post-type/id (example: /answer/39540) to /post/id (example: /post/39540); but redirects should apply from the old URLs.
#10: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
* Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
- * **29th**:
- * New [abilities system](https://meta.codidact.com/articles/278234).
- * Improved user profile page.
- * Improved flag dialogues.
#9: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
* **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
- ## Gap in log
- Stuff happened but we fell off the wagon here, sorry. (Feel free to help back-fill.)
- ## November 2020
- * **13th**:
- * Added table of contents to questions (summary of answers). (Known bug in sorting, being worked on.)
- * Added support for Markdown tables.
- * Misc small UI improvements (Permalink -> Copy Link, better tooltips in places, etc).
- * **23rd**:
- * Added "mark all as read" to notifications.
- * Improvements to signup flow.
- * Moderators can now see a list of flags that have been recently handled.
#8: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
* New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
- ## August 2020
- * **3rd**:
- * Added comment timestamps.
- * Added read/unread buttons in notifications.
- * **4th**: Enabled syntax highlighting.
- * **6th**: Added staff indicators.
- * **8th**: Fixed hot posts links.
- * **17th**: Moderators can now see a list of recent comments.
#7: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
* **31st**: Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**
- * Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
- * New users will be directed to a new tour that will show off the basic mechanics of the site.
#6: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
* **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
- * **31st**: Moderators can now feature posts, events, or other links in their site's sidebar. Global moderators can feature things everywhere.
#5: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
* **21st**:- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
* Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **20th**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
- * **21st**: Added a proper diff view in post histories, and started tracking title and tags changes.
#4: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
* **21st**:* Added more systems against bad users (spammers, trolls)* Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **16th**: New tool to allow mods to disable comments on posts.
- * **21st**:
- * Added more anti-abuse systems (spammers, trolls etc)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
- * Added audit logs for all admin/mod actions, user annotations, and abuse blocks.
#3: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
* **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- * **21st**:
- * Added more systems against bad users (spammers, trolls)
- * Added public user activity log ([example](https://meta.codidact.com/users/8058/activity))
#2: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
* **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **6th**: Added a reference suggest addition to the Sefaria linker for Judaism.
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).
#1: Post edited
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
* **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- ## March 2020
- * **16th**: Site design has been updated to use the Co-Design framework: [Design changes are a-coming!](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39520)
- * **22nd**: Main and meta tags have been split by the introduction of "tag sets". Questions may only use tags from one tag set; main and meta have separate tags.
- * **23rd**: Spam-protection measures have been introduced to user signup after [spammers started mass-creating accounts](https://writing.codidact.com/q/39536).
- ## April 2020
- Much of April was sunk into figuring out the data import process for a new site, [Outdoors](https://outdoors.codidact.com), which launched on the 23rd.
- * **25th**: Base Categories implementation - every post now belongs to a category, and its tag set and other rules are governed by the category. This is a preliminary to some more work around categories to expand the features.
- * **27th**: Categories header UI to aid in category discoverability.
- * **28th**: Trinkets Tuesday: [#40](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/40), [#42](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/42), [#43](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/43), [#44](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/44), [#45](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/45)
- * **30th**: Categories customization and some display changes to allow for easier display on pages with wider content.
- ## May 2020
- * **1st**: Categories subscriptions and new-post indicators (and a bunch more automated tests).
- * **3rd**: QR code-based mobile login; post close/delete notices are now at the top of posts.
- * **4th**: Post authors can now specify under which license each post they write is available from a set of CC licenses. Categories also have default licenses.
- * **5th**: Two-factor authentication is now available in users' Account settings. Also added a proper interface for Markdown editing.
- * **7th**: The order of categories in the bar at the top is now configurable.
- * **10th**: Categories now can have "required tags" (posts must have >= 1 of these) and "topic tags" (which get special markings). The question list now has more prominent notices for answered/unanswered state.
- * **12th**: Sites can now link to a chat platform of their choice in the sidebar.
- * **17th**: Email addresses must now be confirmed before the account is enabled.
- * **19th**: Finished customizable data import process is available.
- * **23rd**
- * Sites can enable MathJax in site settings
- * Sites can add an optional Note section at the top of the sidebar
- * **28th**: Email-based two-factor authentication
- ## June 2020
- * **1st**: Bugfixes and feature tweaks
- * **3rd**: Markdown engine changes to make posts align more closely with previews, and to support CommonMark better
- * **8th**: Article post type (no answers, but has comments)
- * **11th**: It's now possible to suggest edits if you don't have the neccessary privileges to edit directly. Users with editing privileges can approve or reject them.
- * **16th**: Post "tools" menu available containing moderation tools (convert to comment, change category)
- * **17th**: Post scores are now displayed as up/down and answers are sorted by a calculated score instead of a simple sum.
- * **19th**: Sign-in and sign-out are now network-wide; signing in on one site will sign you in everywhere.
- * **20th**: Posts drafts are saved as you type and restored when you refresh or come back to the same page if you haven't posted them.
- * **25th**: Categories can now have moderator-only tags that nobody except moderators can use or edit.
- * **26th**: Search now has qualifiers for votes as well as score.
- * **30th**: Spammers and trolls beware. You can now be warned or suspended.
- * **30th**: Tags refresh. Proper tags lists, tag information & posts pages, and tag hierarchies are available, with options to see posts from a full hierarchy or only the current tag.
- ## July 2020
- * **1st**: [Judaism](https://judaism.codidact.com) now has the Sefaria linker plugin, to link automatically to sections of scripture.
- * **1st**: Tags now have a hierarchical view to more easily show how tags are related. Also a bunch of new help center articles thanks to our Docs team. <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i>
- * **3rd**: Post Validations JS API & you'll now be given a warning that images are missing alt text if you try to post without any (you can still post, but alt text is encouraged).
- * **11th**: Added [community ad templates for site promotion](/questions/276692).