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Comments on Is there a reason to keep the normal logo instead of the community one for Community Proposals in the communities dropdown?
Is there a reason to keep the normal logo instead of the community one for Community Proposals in the communities dropdown?
On any page of the Codidact network, one can click on the top-right dropdown button to, well, reveal a dropdown.
This dropdown includes a button to sign out and a list of communities.
Scrolling down, we see at the bottom:
Considering that every other community has its own logo beside its name, why does the "Community Proposals" community have the Codidact logo instead of its own?
Like Codidact Meta has its own logo and that logo is shown in this list, I suggest that we put the logo of the "Community Proposals" community instead of the normal Codidact logo.
The logo favored is present here or it can also be found on the homepage of that community.
1 comment thread