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When clicking "mark read" it shows a 0 when it should actually dissapear.
This is what I see:
Steps to reproduce:
- If you get an Inbox notification, look at it, and then mark it as read with this button:
Then it says you have 0 inbox notifications. Note that if you click "Mark all as read", then this bug doesn't occur. Only if you click "Mark read" does it occur.
2 answers
You are accessing this answer with a direct link, so it's being shown above all other answers regardless of its activity. You can return to the normal view.
See if anyone can get lower than this:
I don't want this to be fixed, this is fun! :D
With a bit of effort, you can even do this:
I think the code that shows the notification count draws the notification "container" (the blue circle) once, and then just updates the number from some data value. Only when you close and reopen the notifications, or refresh, or move to another page, does the whole thing get rebuilt again. I am not wise in the ways of front-end code, but I can see the logic here. We could write some extra code to remove the blue circle entirely instead of showing "0", but "0" isn't wrong either. (-1 is wrong but my own fault for provoking it.)
The first time I saw the "0" I actually smiled; I wasn't expecting it but it seemed like a reasonable thing to have happen. Can I persuade you that what you see as a bug is instead a charming quirk, maybe even an Easter egg?
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