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[tag:Notifications] should not be a synonym of [tag:email-notifications] [closed]
Closed as unclear by Andreas demands justice for humanity on Aug 16, 2023 at 23:16
This question cannot be answered in its current form, because critical information is missing.
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I just created a bug report post about notifications in the inbox. When applying tags for my post, I typed in "notifications". That resulted in two tags [tag:notification] and [tag:notifications]. Had Codidact showed me some kind of a tag wiki excerpt, I would be able to know the difference between these, but as I couldn't, I figured I'd just select both tags. Preferably, one of them should be a synonym of the other, or one of them should be removed. So I posted my bug report, only to realize that [tag:notifications] is a synonym of [tag:email-notifications]. This makes no sense to me, and is really not intuitive.
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