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Where is "user last seen"? [duplicate]
Closed as duplicate by Mithical on Oct 12, 2023 at 21:24
This question has been addressed elsewhere. See: Should we have "Last seen" times?
This question was closed; new answers can no longer be added. Users with the reopen privilege may vote to reopen this question if it has been improved or closed incorrectly.
How can I tell when a user last logged in?
When I go to their profile's "Activity" tab, it shows me only activity on that site. I don't want to cycle through every site one by one.
The global doesn't have to be precise. I'm not trying to stalk anyone. Sometimes I see an old question and want to give feedback or edit suggestion, but I'm worried that the user has long abandoned the site and it will be ignored. But maybe they just stopped using that section, but still check other sites, so they would see the notification from my edit?
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