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User profile page tabs separated from their connecting blue line


On the user profile page there is a horizontal blue line across the top of the page that groups the tabs, with the currently showing tab highlighted in that same blue. On some of the tabs this shows correctly (those that are full width with no right hand panel). On others (those with a right hand panel) the tabs wrap around causing the horizontal blue line to be separated from the highlighted tab:

The Filters tab of the user profile page, with the Notifications tab wrapped to the next line

I'm not sure how best to fix this. Would it make sense to have the tab bar full width, with the right hand panel starting below it? Something like this:

The Filters tab of the user profile page, with the right hand panel moved down below the horizontal blue line of the tabs bar

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I wonder if we should make all the tabs uniform by dropping that right panel -- keep it for *pages ab... (6 comments)

1 answer


We've mitigated this problem by removing the right column from all of the profile sub-pages. Except on the main profile page (where a right column remains), this column is about the community or category and not really about the user. Does it make sense to view the hot list or subscription links from a profile page?

The right column caused some unfortunate line wrap, like in this report and also some issues on the voting page. This change doesn't fix these problems at all screen widths -- the blue line is still not aligned on a phone -- but we've tried to make it better in some contexts without making it worse anywhere. We don't have a status-mitigated tag (and I don't want to create it just for this), so I'll tag this as completed even though it's not really. Phone layout needs a larger review.

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