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Add post type and title to the URL


This would make zero functional change to URLs. It's purely cosmetic.

A link to a post on Codidact often contains no user-readable information about what awaits at the destination. When I find links online, I very often look at the URL in order to get a rough idea of what it links to. Sometimes I open a preview (three-finger-tap in Safari), but just as often, if not more often, I look at the URL that pops up when I hover over the link. On some occasions, I actually open the link in a new tab, but I prefer not to, because of all the overhead. Unfortunately, that is the only viable option if I'm not in Safari (which is at least 50% of the time), for Codidact links. Because of this, can we please add some metadata to the URLs, that is there only for the user to read, but has no effect in any other way? On the client-side, Codidact adds it to the address bar URL, the "copy link" button, the question title link, browser-popup share-button, and strips it server-side.

For instance, becomes: characters-in-a-row-be-permitted-in-usernames

And becomes: characters-in-a-row-be-permitted-in-usernames#answer-292337

Should the URL always use the current post title, or will that make tools believe it's a different URL?

Post type Letter
Question Q
Answer A
Article E

Additionally, since this adds what can be called "clutter" in certain cases, add an option for "stripped" URLs to the "copy link" button, which will just be the same as the non-Markdown version today.

Why does this post require attention from curators or moderators?
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2 comment threads

When deciding what to put into the URL, one should not forget to check how it affects SEO. (1 comment)
One issue is that while Question, Answer, and Article are baked into the code, it's possible to defin... (2 comments)

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