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Misplaced user card below answer
In an answer on Software Development there is a layout inconsistency in the metadata below the answer. Usually the user card is to the right of the date posted, licence, and date edited. However, in this case it is below:
If this is due to the edited by line being wider than usual, would it be better to wrap that line (one additional line of vertical space) rather than move the user card down (three additional lines of vertical space)?
1 answer
The user name in the edited section is too long. See another answer for another example. Protecting HTML elements against overflow by very long user names is a recurring topic and potentially happens in many other places (the users list, below answers, ...).
One way is to make user names break line, another is to live with it or do something else.
There might be a past discussion about that in another context, but so far I could not find one.
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