Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Posts by meta user
On any page of the Codidact network, one can click on the top-right dropdown button to, well, reveal a dropdown. This dropdown includes a button to sign out and a list of communities. Scrolling d...
I have some concerns: Complexity AsciiDoc is unnecessarily complicated. From what I have seen, Codidact runs just fine on Markdown. Even much larger platform Stack Overflow doesn't seem in that m...
What is the bug? Found a way to produce a 404 by clicking on the site's own links. How to reproduce Go to the homepage. On the right side you will see a tab like this Now click on "all new...
Context The footer of all pages on the Codidact network looks something like this: Pros Looks neat Cons As more and more communities emerge and the network grows, this list of "Other C...
On the advertisement page of Codidact Collab, there are five types of advertisement templates available: Codidact network Community Random posts Specific post Random from Category This sp...
Have a look at this Codidact Meta post. It is closed. Scrolling down we can see a UI like so: When there are 0 answers, then the option to sort them by score/activity doesn't have any use. Als...
On the Help Center page "How to ask a great question" (This link points to the Codidact Meta version, but this question talks about all the versions of this page in all other communities, too) Und...
This is an example of a comment thread featuring a user mention. When the comment is edited, the user mention element incorrectly turns red. A reload fixes this. Hovering on it shows which...
When looking at the Abilities dashboard of another user and clicking on any ability, for example the curate ability page of a mod looks like (I replaced the actual mod name with (ModName) for sake ...
Explanation When submitting a post with nothing in the body, we get this error: But according to this page (formatting stripped): HTML tags that do not appear on this list will be stripped o...
Where? On the page "/abilities/everyone" (Link to Codidact Meta version) What? Under "What does this ability allow me to do?" subheading, first line. Erroneous part bolded for sake of this post....
Another mention of Codidact Collab While the user is taking the tour, in the last steps Codidactyl shows a list of all communities, in which Codidact Collab is included (marked in a red rectangle ...
Location Go to this link or any of the links mentioned under the "Communities" subheading below. You will see two paragraphs under their respective subheadings. Under "How do I earn this ability...
Where? The bug appears to be there at a specific help center page of the Cooking site of Codidact: https://cooking.codidact.com/help/how-to-ask What? There are two occurences of this bug. U...
What? Attached below is a self-explanatory GIF of the bug. The cross button, instead of removing all the tags, just shifts the focus to the input box. Where? New question page (Link to Codi...
What? Typo in a Help Center page "Guidelines for referencing and quoting" Where? In the first paragraph (the erroneous part has been bolded for the sake of this post): When you're writing a p...
I am the user mentioned in this question. I believe that submitting an edit just for removing or adding a tag is not enough. BUT if you look at those questions, none of them have [discussion], [s...
Attached below is a self-explanatory GIF of the Edit post page, although the issue exists on the Ask Question page too (please ignore the black bar on the left): When the tag dropdown opens, scr...
When? When looking at search results, or list of posts in general - for e.g. viewing list of posts tagged [wikipedia]. Here's a screenshot of the mentioned example: What? The text displayed s...
Background One may edit their profile and add information about their website, Twitter and Discord profiles. Issue But I also noticed that entering just the word "test" in the website field does...
What is it? Ordering communities by pairing them into groups of 3 based on quantity of categories. The communities which could not be paired with similar communities due to varying quantity of c...