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Comments on It should be more clear what comment an attribution belongs to
It should be more clear what comment an attribution belongs to
Consider the following screenshot from the middle of a longer comment thread:
So which text was written by Monica Cellio, the one above or the one below the attribution line? There is no visual cue telling you. Yes, you can figure it out by going to the top or bottom of the thread. Or you may simply know it because you've seen enough comments. Or you may draw an analogy from the fact that for other post types, the name is always below the post … except that way you'll come to the wrong conclusion.
I think there should be a clear visual cue which comment the attribution belongs to. This might be by having a smaller distance to the belonging comment than to the other one. Or it could be a darker line separating the comment from the other's attribution. Or it might be a blurred boundary on the side the attribution belongs to, and a hard boundary to the other comment. Or something entirely different.
I just think currently it's a bit confusing.
I agree that's pretty unclear in threads that are longer than fit in the view. Thanks for raising this. I don't know …
5mo ago
Here's another suggestion, that would be a minimal change (I already mentioned it in a comment, but I guess it is more u …
5mo ago
I altered a few settings to give some options. None of these are finished but should hopefully give starting points for …
5mo ago
2 comment threads