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Welcome to Codidact Meta!

Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.

Comments on Personalised links using "me" are useful. I'd like to see more


Personalised links using "me" are useful. I'd like to see more


This is a link to my user page. The URL is:

This is a link to your user page. The URL is:

Note that the URL ends with me rather than a user id. This is useful when referring to the user page in a Meta post. I don't know who is reading the post, but I can still provide you with a link to your own user page. Provided you are signed in, the me in the URL will be automatically converted to your own user id.

Similarly, I can link you to search results relevant to your own user id rather than a fixed user id. For example, your answers in the last month can be found with the following search term:

user:me created:<1mo post_type:2

The link shows me my results, but shows you your results.

Extending this to tabs on the user page

I've noticed that this does not work for links to more specific parts of the user page.

This is a link to the Activity tab of my user page. The URL is:

This is what I would like to be a link to the Activity tab of your user page. The URL is:

However, this currently goes to a 404 error page as this has not yet been implemented.

I would like to see links with me work for all of the publicly visible tabs of the user page:

  • Activity
  • Vote Summary
  • All Communities

I would also like to see them work for the private tabs of the user page, that other users cannot see:

  • Account
  • Edit
  • Preferences
  • Filters
  • Notifications

For these, I cannot link to my own version of them as you will not be able to see them (being private). The only way for me to provide a link to one of them when discussing them in a Meta post would be to link to yours, by using me in the URL. I would like to see this become possible.

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2 comment threads

GH issue filed (1 comment)
Is the extent entirely wide? (2 comments)
Is the extent entirely wide?
Andreas lost his angel wings‭ wrote 6 days ago · edited 6 days ago

Doesn't this effectively mean that you're requesting "me" to be a stand-in value for every single parameter accepting a user ID, across the entire Codidact system? Well, at least for end-human-user-facing interfaces, or for every type of request that would reasonably be made for a logged in user (not excluding logged out users)?

Sounds great to me.

Isn't the simplest implementation to add it to the parsing logic for every user ID parameter, independently of what is being requested?

trichoplax‭ wrote 6 days ago

Doesn't this effectively mean that you're requesting "me" to be a stand-in value for every single parameter accepting a user ID

Although the question title suggests so, my specific request here is just for the tabs in the user page. Longer term I'd like to see more.

Isn't the simplest implementation to add it to the parsing logic for every user ID parameter, independently of what is being requested?

I don't know what's simplest or what's best, but since it's been proved possible in other URLs I'd like to see it implemented at some point (by whatever means is decided).

For anyone thinking of working on this, the routes file already has routes containing me for at least some of the user page tabs mentioned. It's possible that this is already intended to work, and this feature request might actually be a bug.