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Comments on Why are comments hidden by default?
Why are comments hidden by default?
Why are comments deprecated to the point that none are visible without having to move away from the page?
With page loads and mouse clicks, less is MORE.
It's "status by design". I made the very same remarks when this feature was released, here: https://meta.codidact.com/po …
3y ago
I believe that comments encourage users to think of this site like a forum or Reddit or some other form of social media. …
2y ago
I agree that it should be easier to see comments than it is, but one difference here from Elsewhere is that we are tryin …
3y ago
It's "status by design". I made the very same remarks when this feature was released, here: https://meta.codidact.com/posts/282342/282346#answer-282346.
Responses from the dev team were:
ArtOfCode wrote 11 months ago:
Part of the intent of this change is to create slightly more friction to commenting. We've seen both here and on SE that comments being easy to leave makes people less likely to think about what they're writing. Opening a new page for a full comment thread is just that little bit of friction that might change that; we'll see how it goes. (There are a few technical challenges to inlining full threads, too, but it can be done if we try this and it really doesn't work out.)
Monica Cellio wrote 11 months ago:
Going to a new page does remove ready access to context (like if you need to consult the post the thread is attached to). It's a link away, but I think that's one issue behind the requests for inlining the thread. Maybe the answer is inlining or maybe the answer is some other change to the thread page.
My feedback was overall positively received (+8 score), yet the feature has remained as it is.
We've been using it for almost a year now and my opinion still stands: loading a new page is cumbersome, unintuitive and confusing. Worst of all, you sometimes (upon following a comment notification) have to view the post and its related comments in separate windows, switching back and forth between two separate tabs - which is plain bad UI. I find no evidence that it makes people think more carefully before posting a comment.
1 comment thread