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Can we get a page with links to all of the top level posts from across the network as they are created?
Currently in order to check for new posts on the sites I am interested in, I have to visit the sites individually.
Since the posts are stored in one DB would it be possible to get a page here that has the titles (linked to the posts) of all the posts in the order they are created from all of the sites?
I would really like to eventually have an amalgamated feed of just the sites I am interested in (like reddit) but I think that all sites would be a good starting point.
2 answers
You are accessing this answer with a direct link, so it's being shown above all other answers regardless of its score. You can return to the normal view.
You can already get something somewhat kinda-sorta similar to what you're asking for, but you have to work a little to set it up and it's not actually integrated into the Codidact UI.
The key is that each category on each site has its own RSS (technically: Atom) feed. It's linked to near the bottom of each category page.
You can add the respective feeds for whatever categories you're interested in to whatever feed reader you prefer, and (ideally) each time there's activity that bumps a post on the category front page, it will show up in the feed reader.
It gives you the title, the URL to, and the first some 200 characters of the top-level post content. (For most categories, that's the question post.)
Ideally, this would be done at codidact.com itself, but that's not possible right now. We'll have a look at doing something like this, but it'll be taking a back seat for now - other features are higher priority!
For now, there are a couple of ways to find new stuff:
- the Codidact Communities Discord has an RSS feed of new posts into each community's general channel.
- there's also the semi-secret dashboard, which doesn't list new posts but does show you when there's been new activity you haven't yet seen
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