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List all synonyms of a tag on the tag wiki page [duplicate]
Closed as duplicate by Andreas demands justice for humanity on Aug 10, 2024 at 01:55
This question has been addressed elsewhere. See: Redesign the tag page to provide more clarity about the tag's attributes
This question was closed; new answers can no longer be added. Users with the reopen privilege may vote to reopen this question if it has been improved or closed incorrectly.
I'm currently not sure if there's even a publicly viewable list of tag synonyms, which is the minimum we should serve. Either way, to improve attainability, we should list all synonyms of a tag on the tag's wiki page.
I think a good placement is just above the list of tagged posts which currently sits on the bottom of unique page content, right above the page footer and RSS feed link.
Preferably, we also have a line above that list of synonyms for a description of their purpose, such as this sentence: "Tag synonyms are words that are not standalone tags, and will be automatically converted to this tag when submitted in a question", or a better worded one.
This would help against pointless questions here on Meta Codidact such as Are the [post] and [posts] tags synonyms? (To be fair, it's somewhat of a tag merge request, but you get the point: there was a need to post a question about it to figure it out)
1 answer
Tag synonyms are listed in green on both the main tags list and the tag page under the primary tag name. For instance, this is the spreadsheet-formula tag on Software Development:
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