Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Posts by Olin Lathrop
Please, no. With modern technology, we all get way too many nagware messages as it is. Let's not have Codidact add to that. It's easy enough to visit meta occasionally. And, there is already a m...
What should be done in these cases? Should we just wait and let the site open? Should we train some monkeys to write questions? Should we "freeze" the site and provide the contents for download? Sh...
Any text you didn't write yourself must be set off in a quote box and attributed. I believe this is already existing policy, and applies regardless of where the quoted text came from (like anoth...
User names are less personal space than your profile description, and more in-your-face to other users. User names should therefore be more restricted than your personal profile description. User...
whether your votes are public or private by default I would probably use that, but it also shouldn't be a big deal to click the appropriate button at the time of voting. Maybe this is to make the ...
Is there a way to send a message to a moderator without raising a flag? If yes, please explain. If no, consider this a feature request. I tried to send a message to a mod about a question that g...
Where is the documentation for the markdown codes used on these pages? I'm trying to RTFM, but can't find the M. I did look in HELP, but it's not there. Below where I'm typing this, there is a b...
There is a pending edit on one of my posts. When I click on Review Changes, I get a page showing two versions of the post side by side. The problem is, there are no obvious changes. It's not even...
I proposed the new site Electrical Engineering, and I see that the basic framework has been created. Thanks. However, there is a difference between the basic mechanics of a site, and a fully up-a...
I wrote an answer where I needed to say "square meters". I wanted to write this as "m" followed by a superscript "2". I tried writing "m<sup>2</sup>". That worked in the preview, so ...
I just noticed this in EE, but the same symptom appears on other sites too: Note how the user pictures in the right column are larger than the others. On other sites this is more random, so I t...
Some questions are closely related, and therefore are better combined in a single question post. Answering such individual questions separately would be more trouble, would likely require duplicat...
I was just looking at Reports > Posts in the moderator tools of the Electrical Engineering site: The total numbers of questions, answers, and comments is believable. However, these don't agr...
I would like to see a place that links to the sites I care about, and therefore want to check in on regularly. I currently have to bring up the main page, then click on the sites I want to visit w...
Users should be able to say what they want in their profile. I think of that as personal space. About the only thing that should not be allowed is a direct insult to another member. As with anyt...
Can the display order of help pages for a site be explicitly set somehow? I'm starting to create help pages for a new site, and would like to set the order they are shown in. For example, I'd like...
I wrote a question on a site I hadn't been to before, and got an answer. I tried to upvote the answer, but was shown: I only have 1 rep (should start at 0, but that's another matter), so I can un...
Using numbers as references to the Nth heading is a bad idea. When a heading gets added or deleted, all the links out there will be wrong. If this is going to happen at all, it makes more sense to...
Answers are shown in order according to their score derived from their votes. However, for answers with the same score, they seem to be shown in chronological order of creation time. This tends t...
As a moderator on EE, I'd like to be able to grant abilities to specific users. Personally, I think the system is way too restrictive with the edit ability. If someone abuses it, there will be co...
Copying posts here from elsewhere can be allowed, but the rules of the other site must be followed. Check the license that applies to the post on the other site. It probably requires attribution ...
Response to homework dumps should be site-specific. On Electrical Engineering, we addressed this up front by explicitly mentioning homework in the Allowed Topics help file (See the very last bulle...
I can't post a new answer when that answer contains an image. Clicking Post Answer makes it turn gray, but it then just sits there. I removed the image from the post, and it worked. See https://...
I just tried to edit my question on Outdoors (https://outdoors.codidact.com/posts/279707), but the "Edit" button at the bottom of the post is missing. Here is a screen shot: Microsoft Edge W...
Most English speakers are aware of the difference on the other side of the pond, at least for common terms. As an American, I wouldn't be bothered by a Brit using "lorry" or "colour", although I mi...