Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Posts by Lundin
Having staff from Codidact as prominent moderators or doing other important volunteer work on SE (Charcoal project etc) is an asset to Codidact. It means that they have a public record of being dep...
Does Codidact have any policy against using political content in posts, user names or user profiles? I'm not talking about questions about political content, which should obviously be fine given t...
I wanted to close one of my own meta posts as duplicate, but accidentally pasted the URL to the question I was closing. The site accepted that the post got closed as duplicate to itself. In my opi...
As most have noticed, there's been a discussion raised on all the community metas about how to grow that particular community. It's a good question and I do believe they should be answered on commu...
Over at Software Development, I've tried to write a self-answered Q&A that addresses the by far most common FAQ of all time in the topics of C and C++ programming. When posting it on SO, I woul...
I'm starting to see the first signs of the inevitable "homework dumps" on Software Development as the site is gaining traffic a bit. The criteria for a homework dump is roughly: A raw copy/paste...
My patience is running thin with code formatting on Codidact. I've made this feature request before on Software Development only (here) but no reply. We currently have 5 communities which definite...
status-completed Just a minor concern: I don't think a single person should be the point of contact, maybe set up something like access@codidact.org. That is, if it even needs a dedicated mail a...
The site claims I edited this post 6 hours ago: https://electrical.codidact.com/questions/276256 6 hours ago I was very much asleep since that's around 4am here. I don't remember editing this post ...
I just noticed a bug related to file extension when uploading pictures to the site. If you have named your file *.JPG the site complains about invalid file extension since it only knows *.jpg. Rena...
Anyone who has been remotely close to any form of moderator position, or a leadership position in general, can tell you that all forms of disciplinary actions must be carried out privately. Nobody ...
It was an old project developed by ArtOfCode before the Codidact project even started: https://forum.codidact.org/t/i-have-an-se-clone-how-do-we-feel-about-building-on-that/74 (Why it was named Q...
Has anyone seen my unicorn "Fluffy"? It has green fur and loves apples. It was last seen-... Since a few days back, the user avatar is missing on my profile: And I've seen the same on other u...
When a suggested edit review appears for your post, it isn't possible to see what was changed. Someone made an edit to my post here https://software.codidact.com/posts/suggested-edit/86 and the dif...
We currently let users with the Curate ability promote posts across the Codidact network. Should we choose some subset of these for promotion? Well this seems like an extremely hard ability to...
This is kind of minor so I haven't bothered reporting it before, but it's been there since day 1: the site is inserting a space character after every question title. Example (from here): Newslette...
I agree that automatic deletion1) would be a useful way to reduce clutter and manual moderation. I would propose implementing something along the lines of the draft below. 1) Deleted as in "not di...
Regarding politics in user profiles: I think the contents of the user profile should be relevant: that is, describe who you are, what you do, what you like etc. If it's relevant that you are for e...
The communities "drop-down"/"switcher" menu next to the user profile could do with a few tweaks. The communities appearing there are sorted after order of community creation. That is: Writing, Codi...
Votes on meta supposedly means "agree/don't agree". Which may make sense in some cases, not so much in other cases. I have argued many times on the Codidact forums/meta that using the same Q&A ...
I don't think many want the site to behave like social media. In particular, we don't need the narcissism of social media - I truly don't care if "Bob likes this" or "Ten people found this funny". ...
It isn't clear to me exactly why these particular communities would attract more users than others. For example we already have Cooking, which is something that concerns everyone and which lots of...
In order to make more users join a community, there must be actual content present Casual users don't join some random community no matter how interested they are in the topic unless given an actu...
Quoting parts of questions in answers is a problem because it prevents the legitimacy of a question's OP to try to improve a bad question in case community members think the question is bad by he...
From https://codidact.com/ there is a link "communities", leading to https://codidact.com/community-assets/. Clicking on it gives 403 forbidden. I'm assuming it's just some minor cosmetic hiccup an...