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Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Activity for Derek Elkins
Type | On... | Excerpt | Status | Date |
Comment | Post #292098 |
Does adding space help, e.g. $m < n$ ? I've never run into this issue, but I think every time I've used a strict inequality n was either a number or I used >. (more) |
— | 8 months ago |
Edit | Post #289972 | Initial revision | — | over 1 year ago |
Answer | — |
A: Outline of what makes a high quality question Your question is unclearly written. I'm not sure what your "assertion about the importance of a 'mature understanding' being desirable" specifically refers to. My guess is the assertion "it is helpful for the^[Codidact is not a singular Q&A community, so using "the" here doesn't really make sense. Yo... (more) |
— | over 1 year ago |
Comment | Post #289367 |
This seems a bit contradictory. If dictionaries "really need coordination and vision", then why would building a dictionary here work? Why would this not be just as bad Wiktionary? Is just because it would be more technically focused (and more focused overall)? (more) |
— | over 1 year ago |
Edit | Post #288835 | Initial revision | — | over 1 year ago |
Answer | — |
A: Should we render double hyphen as an em dash? No. If you want an em dash, you can use the HTML entity as you stated or just use the Unicode character. People who really want an em dash have figured out what they need to do to get it. People who use `--` for em dash are presumably used to and fine with it being rendered as "--". Everyone else, wh... (more) |
— | over 1 year ago |
Comment | Post #288277 |
Your proposal also makes voting much more of a like/dislike than it is. While there is definitely some degree of like/dislike in voting, currently, the only thing voting does is communicate to others. It changes nothing about your experience with the site. In your scheme, voting directly impacts what... (more) |
— | almost 2 years ago |
Comment | Post #288277 |
A question doesn't have to be explicitly about a topic for people's "ideological" views to be relevant. If someone asks how to implement Dijkstra's algorithm a person could downvote an answer because it's in a programming language they dislike. I'm sure people do do stuff like this, but, as I said, I... (more) |
— | almost 2 years ago |
Comment | Post #288277 |
I do think there's a difference between content-level "ideologies", e.g. political ones, and meta-level "ideologies", e.g. whether homework questions should be allowed. I think the latter is more relevant to what you're considering, and filter bubbles and echo chambers have different consequences for... (more) |
— | almost 2 years ago |
Comment | Post #288277 |
I don't know that we have a community on Django specifically, but there are a lot of "ideologies" in seemingly "factual" and "politically neutral" topics. For example, for programming and mathematics we have: choice of programming language, static vs dynamic typing, SQL vs NoSQL, desired level of abs... (more) |
— | almost 2 years ago |
Comment | Post #287896 |
If someone is posting content in their own self-interest to the detriment of the community, then ban them. I'm not sure where you're reading in my comment an opinion one way or another about how correlated AI-generated answers are to good intent. All I'm saying is either someone violated a policy unw... (more) |
— | about 2 years ago |
Comment | Post #287896 |
I find the framing of "disciplinary measures" both distasteful and inaccurate. Community members aren't children that need to be "punished" nor are suspensions all that much of a punishment. If someone violates a policy through ignorance, they should, outside of extreme cases, be corrected and "punis... (more) |
— | about 2 years ago |
Edit | Post #287902 | Initial revision | — | about 2 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Should we have a network-wide policy against AI-generated answers? The short answer is "no" but also a little "yes". The ethos of Codidact is that the individual communities determine themselves what is and is not appropriate for their communities (with some fairly minimal network-wide policies). There may well be communities where ChatGPT produced content is wel... (more) |
— | about 2 years ago |
Comment | Post #286443 |
Really, none of the approaches mentioned so far (short of banning) actually directly address the issue. Arguably, one of the main reasons we downvote questions is to communicate to other users that a question isn't worth their time. A close vote on a question asked weeks ago won't help when a new que... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #286443 |
The way I'd handle unresponsiveness is the same way I'd handle any problematic behavior of a user as opposed to a post that doesn't rise to moderator intervention and eventual banning. The first few times I'd comment with what the problem was, why it's a problem, and some actionable advice to mitigat... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #286443 | Initial revision | — | almost 3 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Downvoting Response Delays I haven't voted one way or the other on the linked question. My view is that (ideally) a vote (one way or another) should depend solely on the content of the question (or answer)^[There are some caveats to this, e.g. competition questions which are not fine during the competition but may be fine afte... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #284072 |
@#54283 Except the advice given on using the code is incorrect. The relevant licensing information is in the [LICENSE file](https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/blob/develop/LICENSE) in the source code. In particular, QPixel is distributed under the GNU Affero GPL license (AGPL). Creative Commons licen... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #282962 |
You could read what you excerpted as implying that current and all future content won't be linked to Istiak's account, but that seems like rather unlikely behavior as opposed to simply that current content will be unlinked. What is not reversible is that unlinked content can't be relinked to Istiak's... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #282962 |
I didn't quote anything, I paraphrased. I also provided a link to the context. Either way, what you list is consistent with what I said. In this question, Istiak is not claiming that content that they produced before their account was "deleted" is still linked to their account (except perhaps the pro... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #282962 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: I can do everything after account deletion also. You only have one Codidact account across all communities. As mentioned in the answers to your other question, it is not possible to delete an account for one community but not another because there is only one account. What happened, again, as mentioned in your other question, is that your account w... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Comment | Post #282342 |
When I hear "threaded comments", I think an arbitrarily nested structure similar to how comments work on Reddit (among many other places). Unless I'm missing something, this design is purely a two-level approach. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other between these, but it may be worthwhi... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #282374 | Initial revision | — | almost 4 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Threaded comments are here! Suggestion Have an "Add Comment" button and a "Start New Thread" button with the former adding a comment to the "General Comments" thread, creating it if it doesn't yet exist. Right now, starting a new thread seems heavyweight if I don't expect much or any back-and-forth. For example, both ... (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #282367 |
The "O" in "Outdoors" is a [carabiner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carabiner). (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #282039 |
If the people who want each of these overlaps significantly, then combining them won't significantly increase the amount of support. On the other hand, if they don't overlap significantly, then it doesn't make sense to combine them into one community. (more) |
— | almost 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #280631 |
For what it's worth, MathJax seems to render at comparable speeds for me between here and SE. If anything Codadict seem slightly faster, but it's hard to compare as the *amount* of MathJax matters as well as other factors that may delay loading. Both seem quite reasonable, on the order of half a seco... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #280631 |
MathJax rendering occurs client-side meaning the server is not involved. It's possible there are different configuration options being provided to the MathJax library that affects performance. It's also possible that the HTML layout causes more reflows as the MathJax renders slowing it down. Latency ... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #280632 |
There's also the risk that relevant information is communicated *only* via variations in color which is bad for color-blind users. (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280602 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
Question | — |
Always display who asked a question in question lists Basically, I'd ideally want something like "asked 3 days ago by A, last activity 1 day ago by B". Having just the person without the question creation date would be significantly less useful but still better than the current situation. It is, frankly, weird that so much emphasis is placed on s... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #280465 |
Even on Reddit the story isn't that clear cut. r/science is about four times the size of r/politics. That said, the Q&A format makes a big difference in my opinion and makes Reddit and SE not very comparable. I suspect a large part of r/gaming would find Arqade uncompelling. This is just a bizarre c... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #280465 |
SE's most popular community *by far* is StackOverflow which is larger than all other communities combined by I think every metric SE tracks. The top several communities by users are "esoteric" (e.g. programming, sys admin, mathematics) and similarly by traffic. Arquade, a site for gamers, is arguably... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280114 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
Question | — |
User-configurable default sort order The default sort order, apparently everywhere, is by "activity". I virtually never want this and prefer to sort by "age" as I want to see which questions are new. The feature request is to add a preference (presumably on https://software.codidact.com/users/edit/profile where the keyboard shortcuts... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #276227 |
One of the simplest solutions code-wise is probably to move the notification to be beside the "Post" button so it doesn't affect the vertical position of the preview (or anything else). (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #279226 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Multi-colored bookmarks I actually don't accept the premise here, or at least it's not obviously true to me. Specifically, I'm not sure there is that much of a benefit to implementing "bookmarking" at all. My immediate retort is that your browser (assuming it's any of the major ones) already implements bookmarking and has w... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #278451 |
This answer seems to be heavily premised on the idea that "reconciliation" is a net win for the participants. This would probably be true if reconciliation didn't take time and effort, but it does. Speaking for myself, even if reconciliation with someone accusing me of revenge voting was *guaranteed*... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #278457 |
@8063 This answer in no way implies, let alone claims, that you can't relicense CC-BY-SA content to CC0. It simply provides a way to achieve your goals today without changes to the software or support from site administrators. In fact, this is arguably how license changes *should* be handled. Editing... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #277245 |
I'm wary about explicitly including "math tools" as in scope. I definitely do think that there can be good, mathematical questions about such things, but I suspect, if encouraged, most questions asked would essentially be "customer support" questions which I see as being considered off-topic. Even th... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #277549 |
@user53100 As someone with a significant interest in non-classical logics, the "P or not P" logo would annoy me. (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #277007 |
I was (am) a 20K+ user on Math.SE. My main focuses are logic, type theory, and category theory, but I could and would be open to contributing answers to a broad range of topics. (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |