Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Posts by trichoplax
This answer is just an example with a footnote so you can see the problem described in the question. Click on the footnote link[1] in this answer and you will be taken to the footnote at the botto...
An example in favour of listing Need Help Setting Up Email Verification in Codidact is a question that was posted to Codidact Meta, because this is the closest match of the communities in the drop...
Below a question are buttons for sorting the answers: Pressing one of these buttons results in a page reload, with the answers now sorted according to the chosen criterion. For cases where ...
I'm not sure if the underlying cause is related, but I've seen a similar problem for drafting a new post. I just pressed "Ask Question" to post a new Meta question, and the text of this question (t...
In a post a <details> tag can be used to hide information until a user chooses to click on it, useful for spoilers or puzzle solutions. For example, the following raw text: <details> ...
I can imagine the following uses for hidden <details> sections in comment threads. Some of these uses will apply to some types of Codidact community, and other uses will apply to other types....
I don't know whether I like the following idea better or worse than the current approach with a tag for each proposed community, but I agree we could benefit from discussion of new ideas, so here's...
When an edit is made to a Blog post, the new activity indicator circle appears on the Blog tab: This is useful when there is a new Blog post, but less useful when there is a minor typo fixed. W...
As the list of communities gets longer, it becomes more difficult to find any particular one in the various places they are listed. Sorting Would it be helpful to have sorting buttons, similar to...
In the Vote Summary tab of the user page, each of a users posts shows how many votes up and down: This shows voting, but does not make clear how this affects reputation. In this example, the fir...