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Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
Posts by celtschk
By default the search also finds answers, and since there are no answers attached to those (you cannot answer an answer, after all), it shows them as well. To get rid of them, specifically ask for...
When I move the mouse over the “posted … ago” text below a post, I get a tooltip with the actual posting time. However if I do the same on the last edited field (the one with the pencil at front), ...
When editing an answer, there's sometimes reason to look at the question again (I just had such a case). Therefore I think it would be a good idea if the question would be shown on the page where y...
Consider the following screenshot from the middle of a longer comment thread: So which text was written by Monica Cellio, the one above or the one below the attribution line? There is no visual ...
It would be nice if on pages with several subpages (like the posts page, with the previous/next and page number bar on bottom), there would be a shortcut to go to the previous/next page in the list...
Whatever we do, I think the following points should be true in any case: Whenever you can give votes, you should be able to retract those votes. Be it because you didn't actually mean to vote ...
Here's a suggestion for a replacement for the missing information text that should be more welcoming without being too large: In order to give you helpful answers to your question, we need some ...
After discovering keyboard shortcuts, I noticed a problem: The keyboard shortcuts for going to individual categories (like g c 1) don't do anything for me. Note that the shortcut for the category...
When posting my last question here, I noticed that I can't directly input Unicode characters in the text box due to a keyboard shortcut. For many Linux application (in particular, the web browsers...
The text is not determined by styling, but by a summary tag that is supposed to be inside the details tag, and that is missing in the quoted question. Example <details> <summary>Ex...
I just noticed that HTML entities (such as ℵ for ℵ or — for —) seem not to be supported in titles. Should they be? Clarification: I'm not asking for general HTML support in t...
This is about a bug I've encountered a few days ago when I wrote an answer to the new design question, and which I had not yet gotten around to report. The bug ultimately led me to double-post my a...
I'm just writing an answer in Mathematics, and wanted to include an inequality: ..., if $m<n$, ... On typing this, I got the following message: Unsupported HTML detected The following HTML ...
Here's another suggestion, that would be a minimal change (I already mentioned it in a comment, but I guess it is more understandable if you see it). Basically it's changing the in-between lines to...
If you reduce the font size of h2 to 23px, it looks like this: I think that looks nice; also that way the sizes of the headings approximately form a geometric progression, that is, each font is ...
I think it would be a good idea if the categories page would list the categories in the same order as the bar on the top. Currently it apparently lists them alphabetically, which makes the Blog ca...
I definitely do not appreciate the bigger fonts. This makes much less content displayed at the same time, which is bad especially on overview pages. At the current design, two-line titles are the ...
Maybe reactions on earlier versions to the post should be marked as such, with a way to see the version they referred to. Also, maybe it is a good idea to have for each reaction also the opposite ...
This should probably be per-community configurable. Since even on Code Golf, not all tags are meaningful on answers, one might say that only tags derived from question tags are allowed, but a site ...
Maybe the ordering of the default tab should be more sophisticated, both for logged-out and logged-in users, new or otherwise. The "Activity" tab would then not be the default one, and the default ...
Another observation: In the new design, the search bar is on the side, which automatically makes it shorter. Which IMHO is unfortunate. Shorter search bars make it harder to do non-trivial searche...
Even if you can't approve them, you might still be interested in the content of the suggested edits. Why remove the ability to see them?
Just a thought that occurred to me: One problem when seeing the Wilson score when not knowing it is that it's not clear how to interpret it. I think that could be helped by simply displaying 2*sco...