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Welcome to Codidact Meta!

Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.

Activity for Charlie Brumbaugh‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #291160 I have contributed more content on those sites post pre and post migration than anyone else, and stopped my contributions once it became clear that the rudeness/gatekeeping would not be dealt with. How is that not related to the lack of activity?
12 months ago
Edit Post #291160 Initial revision 12 months ago
Answer A: What's more important for codidact - quality or helping questions get answered?
The quality over everything and running the noobs off users have had their way for years at this point and nothing to show for it. In the past year, Photography has had 2 questions, Outdoors 8. No one is going to look at that and ask questions, regardless of the "quality" because the lack of activ...
12 months ago
Comment Post #285081 @Canina I barely understand any of the terms on the Judaism site and those I do need some mental translating, that doesn't give me a right to demand that the askers there explain their terms. If I don't understand something I can either ask a question or Google it. To put it another way, would "W...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #285081 @Lundin I can prove it with links but a part of the SO code was not to name specific users in meta posts, so I am refraining.
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #285081 Post edited:
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #285081 @Lundin For me this applies to why I stopped asking on Photography, Cooking, and Outdoors so better here than than copying the same post 3 times. If it friendlier here, then there wouldn't be users getting suspended on Se and deciding that instead of changing their behavior, they decided to come h...
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #285081 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Answer A: How to grow all of our communities?
When Outdoors/Photography started there was a bunch of activity and upvoting and I asked a bunch of questions. However, my participation dropped about 8 months ago for several different reasons, 1. Lack of expertise. - Users not knowing what a lithophane is and not wanting to click the link an...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284359 For everyone else it won't help, but for XYand Z it will instantly make the problem go away. In the general case, Codidact should take rudeness more seriously, but until then...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #284359 Content is getting removed, but what that won't do is prevent more rude comments in the future which a killfile/block would do instantly without waiting around for a rude user to finally cross the line where they get suspended.
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #284333 Initial revision over 3 years ago
Answer A: I would like basic killfile functionality.
I too would like this functionality. There are user(s) who have spent years and years being mean and rude and I long time ago I decided that I would be much better/happier off ignoring them. I ignore their questions and will not comment or upvote their posts, it's simply not worth it. It would be ...
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #282764 Outdoors will take these questions already. That's how it was done on SE and I don't see a reason to change it here.
over 3 years ago
Comment Post #280386 Your looking broadly, I was asking much more specifically. Why should I, (with 2 Socratic badges on the old sites) ask my questions here? What is our selling point as to what makes asking questions here better than the other sites?
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280384 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question How can we make Codidact more friendly for askers?
Most of the sites are struggling to get questions and while it seems to me at least that more effort has been put into optimizing for the answerers than for the askers. To put it another way, there are lots and lots of sites on the internet where one could get their question answered, why should t...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280319 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Can we get an option to remove a post from the nominated posts list?
Right now on Outdoors one of the nominated posts is for a contest that has finished, and I would like to be able to remove it from the list but am currently unable to do so. Can we get an option to un-nominate a post?
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280318 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Can we get a list of questions on a site currently nominated for the Community Promotions?
Right now I can only go off memory as to which questions I have nominated for the Community Ads unless I see them in the sidebar or try to renominate them. Can we get a list (not sure if it should be mod specific or not) all the posts that are currently nominated?
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280148 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Answer A: Where can I find the discussions over the general approach of Codidact?
The old forum still has the discussions that came before this site, and there are also the channels in Discord. That's probably most of the older discussions, there might be some in the SE chats from before that point.
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280055 I think it would make sense to make the text in the blue box specific to the category
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #279984 Out of curiosity how many users have the curate ability or to put it another way are there non mods with that ability?
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #279905 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Answer A: How can we improve community proposals?
Just to throw in my two cents, right now other than the link way down at the bottom of the page and extra link in the sidebar on Photography, the sites are really trying to be built while standing all on their own. If we had better ways of encouraging cross-pollination or just getting more eyes on qu...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #279872 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question The bottom left corner of the border around quoted text is not rounded.
Quoted text has its own styling but as you can see below three of the border corners are rounded and the bottom left is not.
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #279807 Post edited:
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #279807 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Notices are still on posts after claiming SE accounts and the score appears to only count votes on posts after the account was claimed.
These users Cobaltduck and Oddeer both claimed their SE accounts and their posts are correctly associated. However on some of the posts, example 1, example 2 there is still a notice saying that it was sourced from SE which is no longer needed and doesn't appear on my claimed posts. Also, both p...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #279740 Were you able to get it to work?
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #279719 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question Wrong category is pulled in when searching by tag on a different category that shares the tag family
On Outdoors there is blue icon that says what category a question is in when searching by tag. However when categories share the same tag set it will say that Q&A posts are in the Gear Recommendations category if you are searching from the Gear Recommendations category. All of the questions in the...
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279710 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question Arrow color on mobile remains blue after rescinding a vote
On mobile if I unupvote a question the score goes down but the blue color on the arrow remains. Image alt text I think it would be less confusing if the color changed back to grey after removing the upvote.
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279418 Do you mean to add this reason globably ? Because mods can create custom ones if they want.
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279394 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Answer A: "Are you sure?" popup when closing a page
I accidentally closed a tab with a question and lost some changes so I do feel your pain. However, if we are going to fire an event on window exit I would much rather it be saving the draft in its current state. That would avoid the popup and save your answer which should solve the problem.
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279392 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question Exact search doesn't seem to be searching in the title
An example where an exact search returns no results for the copy and pasted title. - "Should we display the number of views?" - -
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279391 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Answer A: Should we display the number of views?
I think we should, voting score is a poor indicator of how useful a post is because most visitors aren't going to sign up and vote. Right now it's hard to tell how many people are reading the posts created here from a user or even a moderator standpoint how successful we are at getting people to r...
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279349 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question On the site users page can we get a sort by votes?
Being able to see a list of users and how many times they have votes was useful on the old sites to see which users were engaged in the voting. What I would propose is that on the /users page that another sort called "Votes" from most votes to least with the number of votes displayed underneath th...
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279333 Post edited:
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279333 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question Clicking on a previously read notification marks it as unread
To replicate, 1. In my notification on the top left of the page, click on a previously read comment. 2. Go to the comment and read it. 3. That comment is now marked as unread. 4. Click mark unread to again mark the comment as unread. I would prefer that actions 3&4 not happen because I alrea...
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279332 Question closed over 4 years ago