Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
General Q&A about the Codidact instance hosted at codidact.com or using the software that runs it. For questions about setting up your own instance of the software or questions about the code, see Codidact Collab.
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When an HTML tag is used in a post but is not supported by Codidact, a warning message is displayed listing the unsupported tags. However, syntax highlighting hints in the form of HTML comments suc...
On the user profile page there is a horizontal blue line across the top of the page that groups the tabs, with the currently showing tab highlighted in that same blue. On some of the tabs this show...
I was confused by the unusual layout of text below a post in the question list: Note the long gap after "posted 3y ago by". Viewing the individual question page shows the underlying cause: ...
I just handled some "not an answer" flags by converting an answer to a comment on another answer. The "convert to comment" dialog asks for a post ID. The obvious way to supply this was to copy a li...
Can I follow/subscribe to a question so that I'm notified when it has new answers? It looks like a can subscribe to new comments using the "Follow new" button below a post, but I'm more interested...
On StackOverflow, you could bookmark a question, and you would get notified for answers as if you posted it yourself. This was useful when you see an unanswered question and think "yeah, I'd also l...
Jon Ericson raised an interesting point in a recent Meta post: I don't understand how the help page is organized. Oh wait! It's alphabetical by the title of the article. That's why "Advanced for...
Are there any rules about a user having multiple Codidact accounts (sometimes known as sockpuppet accounts)? What should a user do if they suspect another user has multiple accounts?
Tag wiki pages are currently a bit unclear on a few things. If you possess good knowledge of how that page is built, it's pretty clear to you that if it doesn't list something, it means it doesn't ...
I'm currently not sure if there's even a publicly viewable list of tag synonyms, which is the minimum we should serve. Either way, to improve attainability, we should list all synonyms of a tag on ...
Expandable and collapsible text sections, created using the details HTML tag, are insufficiently stylized. This causes the browser to apply its own rules, for instance showing the default text "det...
GitHub issue: https://github.com/codidact/qpixel/issues/1218 When looking at a tag's wiki page on Codidact as a normal user with only the two basic abilities, there is no extended information su...
In my effort of giving structure to EE.CD tags pages, I find myself in the need of asking the community for consensus about some debatable choices. Of course the place for this is EE Meta, but I'd...
Putting very long text without spaces in an inline code block in a comment, leads to an overflow, as the block does not wrap nor scroll. Screenshot taken in Safari on iOS:
Right clicking on somebody else's profile picture, then selecting "open in new tab", results in a new tab opening, but with a download beginning instead of displaying the image inside that tab. For...
In the right hand panel on Software Development Codidact I see the following: This links to a question which has had 4 well received answers for several months, so it made me wonde...
What is it? Ordering communities by pairing them into groups of 3 based on quantity of categories. The communities which could not be paired with similar communities due to varying quantity of c...
This website should add more features. Watch Tags. [I think this site doesn't contain Watch Tags. We(user) don't like watch lot of question(topic of everything). Using the Watch Tags we could on...
I'd like for communities to be able to opt in to a feature that shadowbans new accounts for a brief period of time. Moderators should be able to release accounts from the shadowban manually; they s...
The search field at the top of the users page appears to only search from the beginning of a username. For example, trying to find my username, "trichoplax", succeeds only for prefixes of the name...
Given the latest debacle Somewhere Else, where users fear that the site contents will get used for the purpose of training AI, what can be done at Codidact to prevent such from happening? At w...
I'm just writing an answer in Mathematics, and wanted to include an inequality: ..., if $m<n$, ... On typing this, I got the following message: Unsupported HTML detected The following HTML ...
Suppose you feel another user is stalking or harassing you in comments. These are of course subjective feelings, and need to be judged as per the objective facts of the matter. In this hypothetical...
Here at Codidact, we believe that everyone deserves to have access to information and to be a part of a community. "Everyone" includes people with disabilities, and so that means making our site an...
Currently Codidact uses Discord for chat, which is linked from the right hand panel: Codidact runs on open source software, whereas Discord is closed source. The Codidact Foundation is a non...
We'd achieve better UX if links to content on the same page, scrolls to that content instead of loading a new page. For instance, this answer is one of two answers to a question. It has a link to ...
Sometimes a moderator closes or deletes a question, but non-moderating users may see this as incorrect. Closures and deletions are unilateral moderator actions. There is no way for regular users t...
On the user profile page there are some posts showing, with a link to “See all”. After clicking See all, the total number of posts is shown at the top. Would it be useful to have a nu...
Below a question, the time posted is displayed, and hovering over it shows an exact timestamp: Notice that the timestamp is followed by a "Z" to indicate that this time is in the timezone UT...
We can see an edit history of a post, but how do you revert to a past version? When editing a proposal, I noticed that there isn't actually a link for doing it. I can see a diff of past versions, ...
A somewhat well-known phenomenon from SE is "spam accounts" - that is a user profile containing self-promotional material which just sits there - the user isn't making any posts. Supposedly a paras...
Codidact posts support a safe subset of HTML. Currently the <svg> tag is not supported. SVG images can still be safely included using the <img> tag[1] (or a Markdown image link, which i...
Below a post the user avatar shows, along with the username and some stats. The username is a link to the user profile page: Note the mouse cursor shows a hand pointing to indicate this is a...
Each site should have a page that shows the full history of all moderator actions (such as closes and deletes). This should be visible to everyone, even users who are not logged in. To protect the ...
If you notice that a specific moderator appears to be taking a lot of inappropriate actions, what are you supposed to do about it? Is there a way to "flag" moderator actions, so that if a moderato...
With respect to the comment thread https://math.codidact.com/comments/thread/9445 I make the following observations: I received notifications for the first three comments. I do not believe that...
Sometimes I use the <small> HTML tag to reduce the impact of some collateral part of a text, and in the preview this is nice and dandy. Here is an example from this post on EE.CD (red emphasi...
In a post a <details> tag can be used to hide information until a user chooses to click on it, useful for spoilers or puzzle solutions. For example, the following raw text: <details> ...
Pressing “Save Post” during editing a post fails if you have become signed out. However, there is no indication that you have been signed out, the button just does not respond, and then becomes dis...
On any Q/A site, or even analogous media like support forums, there is a dichotomy between "asking for a fish"[1] questions and "learning to fish"[2] questions. Teaching how to fish is usually mor...
Currently, when viewing a post, Codidact will show you the raw votes on a post, with the breakdown into upvotes and downvotes: There's been some feedback that this is a bit too much to show, espec...
Currently when viewing a post, there is no indication that it's being used as a duplicate target. As a curator, it's useful information to me that when I view a question, I am also informed if any...
There's currently not a method to show the password that's being typed into the password field when signing in, as there are just the common dots being displayed instead. Suggested functionality ...
In the Post History page for a post that has more than 20 edits, only the most recent 20 are shown, and they are numbered 1 to 20. The most recent edit is numbered 20. If another edit is made, the ...
At the bottom of the Activity tab of my user profile page, there are buttons to move through the pagination of the results. There is a “Previous” button, several specific page number buttons, then ...
Is there a discrepancy between the description on the Edit Posts Ability page and the way that assignment of the ability is calculated? The image shows the Edit Posts Ability page for me on ...
SE recently made a deal allowing OpenAI to train their LLMs on community generated content (user-created questions and answers). Many active SE users were rather dismayed about this (including myse...
I entered the following markdown into an answer I posted recently: ### ImageMagick > <p style="color:red">An error occurred while installing rmagick (4.2.6), and Bundler cannot continue....
When viewing a specific answer, it has a message above it including a link to return to the normal view: If the answer sorting order is changed to "Active", the specific answer stays at the top ...