Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
General Q&A about the Codidact instance hosted at codidact.com or using the software that runs it. For questions about setting up your own instance of the software or questions about the code, see Codidact Collab.
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I am looking for existing questions in Power User with the virtual-reality tag. The tag-search page says there are 4 questions, but clicking through to the tag page itself shows none.
By my understanding, one of the key features of the Codidact network is that individual communities are more in control of their local policies. In particular, it appears that community moderators ...
A preferences problem highlighted in an answer on Software Development Meta appears to have been somewhat fixed, but leaving an inconsistency with the guidance on the preferences page. At the top ...
Clicking on a tag takes you to a page showing the details of the tag, followed by a list of posts bearing that tag. However, each of these posts is shown with only that tag. All other tags on each ...
Currently the old Site Proposals category points to the new Proposals community, presumably as a temporary measure until people get used to the new community. This is not ideal, as described in the...
One place in which I'm finding that more friction at Codidact than I was expecting is creating links to other questions with the question title as the anchor text. I'm going to use https://meta.co...
Sometimes I find myself browsing through the site and want to share a question. If I arrived through a link to an answer, I do not have a good way to "clean" the URL and be able to get the URL of t...
The Dashboard is an easy way to get an overview of the whole network at a glance; on a single page, you can see where there's been new activity that you haven't seen yet, on a category-by-category ...
Each category header includes an "Edits" link, which is a link to a list of pending suggested edits in the current category. But nothing alerts people with the ability to approve those edits that ...
Various places in Codidact where a user enters text seem to have a minimum character requirement. If you enter fewer characters than that, the system keeps the "submit post" button greyed out, pop...
It's basically this post, but for the indicator discs on the Dashboard. I click on an "updated" community of interest, but most recent post showing updates was changed months ago. I can't tell if ...
When I flag a post for moderator attention, an acknowledgement message appears, but if I revisit the post later there is no indication that I have flagged it. I would find it useful to have an indi...
Is there a way to convert an answer to a comment and include the existing comments under the answer into the new comment thread? There’s no option for it in the convert-to-comment dialog. Is there ...
I've been working on the user help center recently - writing new help pages and improving old ones. You can see the latest changes and suggestions - even the ones that haven't been deployed to the ...
When flagging a post as "Needs author's attention", the interface provides a single-line text entry field for "Details?", which does not allow for newlines. Input text scrolls without any clear ind...
Can the Scoring help page's sample chart start at 0 votes instead of 1? Lots of posts probably have no votes or only up or down votes.
Show score on the horizontal score bar. When I started browsing first time I didn't know what the horizontal bar with green stripe in it is for. Took a while to figure out it is score. Wouldn't it ...
Prompted by comments in this comment thread - I agree that it's often very difficult to get feedback from new users in the meta area of a community, especially one that has custom software on top o...
It was previously noted that Codidact does not support explicit spoiler tags, although it's possible to hide blocks of text in collapsible sections (using <details> and <summary> HTML)....
While this question is of particular interest to the technical sites, and especially to Software, it concerns core site functionality. I figured it would be more polite to ask than to make a "sandb...
The title is the question: What community would be appropriate to ask a business question about software development?
I knew that blank lines are needed in certain places when mixing HTML markup with Markdown so that the Markdown will actually be processed. For example: <details> <summary> Gory deta...
Mithical is moderator on AI, Constructed Language, Literature Stack Exchanges. But also Mithical is I'm also part of Codidact’s Community Team, and am on the Board of Directors. Clearly, Mit...
On Codidact, lots of things can be customized for individual communities. Generally these changes need to be made by admins, but we'll make them on request. But what are all these things? What c...
As the title says. Rationale: I'm in the process of giving tags on EE.CD some structure and I feel that sometimes a group of tags could be usefully grouped under a parent which doesn't exist yet. ...
In the Descriptions category of the Codidact Proposals community, anyone can edit any proposal description. This is in contrast to other categories where suggested edits require approval before bei...
There is a Posts page showing all the posts by a given user. However, the only place it is linked to appears to be the bottom of the long list of posts on the user profile. An example of when this...
In the Q&A category of Meta a tag search for "proposal" shows 4 results, but a tag search for "proposal " (with a trailing space, as is commonly automatically inserted when typing on mobile) sh...
It appears that Codidact has notification streams for new questions and interesting questions, but currently these are over email. Can you add a search filter, global page, RSS feed or some other ...
Apparently the owner of a post cannot approve a pending suggested edit on that post. I'm not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request, but either way, I propose that the post owner should...
If I am on some web page (such as on Codidact), and want to check out some detail elsewhere on the web, my usual first step is to press Ctrl+N to open a new browser window, then navigate to do what...
When adding or removing an upvote or downvote, the user interface is updated without reloading the page. This changes the upvote and downvote buttons to be the appropriate colour based on whether t...
If comment threads below a post are already expanded, then the input box that appears after pressing the "Start new comment thread" button is too far down the page to be visible. This makes it look...
The "Dashboard", "Notifications", and "Mobile Sign In" buttons in the page header at the top right of the page have title text which displays those names. However, the title text is on the icon rat...
When viewing an individual question, the score can be seen by hovering over the voting buttons or the upvote and downvote counts: In the question list page, it might be expected that the score c...
So, I finally got around to looking at the second Review Panel draft, and was surprised by the ability to make collapsible sections in posts. From the comments, I wasn't the only one. Whoa, whoa, ...
In my profile, it includes this guidance: Discord Your Discord user tag, in the format username#1234. Discord is in the process of removing discriminators (a discriminator is the #1234). Whi...
Flagging an answer After pressing "Flag" under an answer there are 3 radio buttons to choose from: Flagging questions and answers Some changes would benefit both types of post. Changes specifi...
tl;dr According to this post, the div tag is not allowed, thus it's removed from posts. But it's not removed from the preview, and I believe both (the preview and the final saved post) should be c...
I would like a button that lets me log out of Codidact on all devices. This would be helpful if you lost your device, or believed your account to be compromised. Then you could log out on all devi...
It happens to me all the time that I write a comment - as the first of a new thread of comments - and then either overlook giving it a title, or expect that the default title will be good enough an...
This is in response to something that happened on the Math site, but it's really a Codidact-wide issue. A week or two ago, someone posted a poorly written question. Not surprisingly, the question...
Given that a feature request or a bug report is more of a call-to-action to the developers rather than a question seeking an "answer," I am confused as to what an answer to a feature request or bug...
When I click flag there is a menu that shows up showing the reasons, like spam, rude, needs author's attention, etc. But how can I close the menu without refreshing the page? I do not see an 'X' wi...
In 2020, I received a 10-year network ban from Stack Exchange for really really really bad behavior (Some people from Charcoal might know who I am). I know this website has a lot of the same people...
When uploading an image on a Codidact community, users are prompted to add alt text - a text alternative to an image - for that image. If they go to submit a post without doing so, or when submitti...
Is it possible to tag users by their handle. E.g. Oh hey @da5nsy do you have an answer for this question? It doesn't look like it does, because names are not hyperlinked but then I saw @manass...
Would it be possible to have human-readable profile URLs instead of numbers? e.g. https://meta.codidact.com/users/da5nsy or https://meta.codidact.com/users/@da5nsy rather than https://meta.codid...
This is the filter section above a post list: In a category where I have set a default filter, I can temporarily view the post list using a different filter by selecting it from the "Predefined ...
In a comment thread, I can notify someone by including "@username". I also get notified of replies, even if they do not include my username in this way. What determines who is notified of a comment...