Welcome to Codidact Meta!
Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.
General Q&A about the Codidact instance hosted at codidact.com or using the software that runs it. For questions about setting up your own instance of the software or questions about the code, see Codidact Collab.
Filters (None)
So, I finally got around to looking at the second Review Panel draft, and was surprised by the ability to make collapsible sections in posts. From the comments, I wasn't the only one. Whoa, whoa, ...
In my profile, it includes this guidance: Discord Your Discord user tag, in the format username#1234. Discord is in the process of removing discriminators (a discriminator is the #1234). Whi...
Flagging an answer After pressing "Flag" under an answer there are 3 radio buttons to choose from: Flagging questions and answers Some changes would benefit both types of post. Changes specifi...
tl;dr According to this post, the div tag is not allowed, thus it's removed from posts. But it's not removed from the preview, and I believe both (the preview and the final saved post) should be c...
I would like a button that lets me log out of Codidact on all devices. This would be helpful if you lost your device, or believed your account to be compromised. Then you could log out on all devi...
It happens to me all the time that I write a comment - as the first of a new thread of comments - and then either overlook giving it a title, or expect that the default title will be good enough an...
This is in response to something that happened on the Math site, but it's really a Codidact-wide issue. A week or two ago, someone posted a poorly written question. Not surprisingly, the question...
Given that a feature request or a bug report is more of a call-to-action to the developers rather than a question seeking an "answer," I am confused as to what an answer to a feature request or bug...
When I click flag there is a menu that shows up showing the reasons, like spam, rude, needs author's attention, etc. But how can I close the menu without refreshing the page? I do not see an 'X' wi...
In 2020, I received a 10-year network ban from Stack Exchange for really really really bad behavior (Some people from Charcoal might know who I am). I know this website has a lot of the same people...
When uploading an image on a Codidact community, users are prompted to add alt text - a text alternative to an image - for that image. If they go to submit a post without doing so, or when submitti...
Is it possible to tag users by their handle. E.g. Oh hey @da5nsy do you have an answer for this question? It doesn't look like it does, because names are not hyperlinked but then I saw @manass...
Would it be possible to have human-readable profile URLs instead of numbers? e.g. https://meta.codidact.com/users/da5nsy or https://meta.codidact.com/users/@da5nsy rather than https://meta.codid...
This is the filter section above a post list: In a category where I have set a default filter, I can temporarily view the post list using a different filter by selecting it from the "Predefined ...
In a comment thread, I can notify someone by including "@username". I also get notified of replies, even if they do not include my username in this way. What determines who is notified of a comment...
In the Vote Summary tab of the user page, each of a users posts shows how many votes up and down: This shows voting, but does not make clear how this affects reputation. In this example, the fir...
Related: Tracking progress towards the Edit ability The Activity tab of my user profile, filtered to Edits shows 20 helpful suggested edits, and 1 declined. The Edit Posts Ability page sho...
I tried to post an answer with a bulleted list, but it renders without bullets. I can't repro here, but I have submitted multiple edits to the answer above, and none of them allow me to get the po...
When you vote on a post, and it later gets edited, should you get a notification? Say you upvoted something because you liked it. But then it got edited and you don't like the new version. You mig...
As most have noticed, there's been a discussion raised on all the community metas about how to grow that particular community. It's a good question and I do believe they should be answered on commu...
In "Preferences", I found this checkbox, Display import labels Add a Stack Exchange logo marker to imported posts to show that they're imported. but I couldn't figure out yet how to actually...
The communities "drop-down"/"switcher" menu next to the user profile could do with a few tweaks. The communities appearing there are sorted after order of community creation. That is: Writing, Codi...
Can you add the Wilson Score tooltip from posts onto list pages as well? Either on the vote numbers, on the colored bar, or on both?
I have been visiting the site for some time now and I am slowly developing a bit of a problem with the landing page for codidact.com: First of all, there is no indication on that page of whether...
We are a late starter QA site, so we are disadvantaged vs. competitors like Stack Overflow. Namely, a lot of basic questions are already asked and answered there, and people are less likely to orga...
Inspired by the confusion in https://meta.codidact.com/posts/290048 , I'd like to propose a UI enhancement. Using a spinner for this value doesn't make a lot of sense, since the user needs to think...
My Outdoors profile is bugged. I don't have any Abilities awarded—not even Participate—although I have been able to make posts and suggest edits. I finally decided it was actually bugged when I tr...
There is this question, revision 1. It contains several fragments I call "fluff": Opening phrase, greeting: Hello fellow community Cliché: Your help would be greatly appreciated ...
On the page for the Edit Tags ability, it lists a part of the requirement as To earn this ability, you need to have roughly a 97.5% approval rate for suggested edits to either the detailed tag w...
The Edit Tags ability says How do I earn this ability? To earn this ability, you need to have roughly a 97.5% approval rate for suggested edits to either the detailed tag wiki or the usage guid...
When giving feedback (comments, edits, reactions) what is the appropriate tone? In other words, how should you phrase your feedback? Should you assume knowledge of all site rules? Should you a...
It is generally considered good practice to try and do your own research to find the answer to a question before you post it. There are some questions where the asker is just not capable of findin...
It's common to hear comments about QA sites being "cluttered", "clogged", "spammed" etc. with types of questions that the commenter doesn't want. What does this actually mean? Is there a definitio...
How can I tell when a user last logged in? When I go to their profile's "Activity" tab, it shows me only activity on that site. I don't want to cycle through every site one by one. The global doe...
For a QA site to be good, it's important to have high-quality questions. The community is a great resource for guiding askers with the technical tools that CD provides. However, it is helpful for t...
After making an edit that only adds tags, some redundant markdown is added to the beginning of the body of the post. This does not show up in the rendered post but it gives an inaccurate edit histo...
Difference between older images and recent images Following a link to the url of an image uploaded to Codidact redirects to an AWS link for recently uploaded images. For older images, following th...
Forthwith after logging in, this error popped up. Please repair?
If I save filters for the question list, I can use them at a later date, which is very useful. However, they are only available on the device I saved them on. It would be useful to have the saved ...
Meta has vote x 4 and voting x 11. None of them have tag usage guidance. I'm not familiar yet with how tag naming is handled here but it looks clear to me that both tags are too similar and only o...
I invested tremendous resources into producing quality content, and marketing it. Starting from zero to me is excessive. I'd like some way to display my SE progress directly and visibly on my Codi...
After editing my user profile to add a Discord username as part of testing how it works, I am unable to remove the username. Deleting the username and pressing save results in an apparently success...
When you click on "Flag" under a post, you get a dropdown asking "Why does this post require moderator attention?" One of the options is needs author's attention This question is off-topic ...
Shouldn't I be allowed to accept an edit to my own post? Now here I can't, because the suggested edit adds a tag that I am not allowed to add. Other edits are also not possible (because it asks fi...
Currently, the help center has a list of user abilities, with sub-pages for each of the entries, to elaborate on them. The help center should also have an entry for "Participate", the first ability...
Does Codidact have a Submit a Data Access Request form, like SE? How long shall Codidact take?
The GDPR requires (article 20 right to data portability, paragraph 1, in part) that: 1. The data subject shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she ha...
It seems almost taken for granted on every Codidact site - even Languages & Linguistics - that questions and answers are supposed to be written in English, although I can't find any official po...
After I clicked "Add Reaction", this error popped up! Codidact failed to add my reaction. Please fix?
On the post edit page, after clicking on the "Save Post in Q&A" button, that button changes color to gray. No page load takes place, and the post does not get submitted.