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Welcome to Codidact Meta!

Codidact Meta is the meta-discussion site for the Codidact community network and the Codidact software. Whether you have bug reports or feature requests, support questions or rule discussions that touch the whole network – this is the site for you.

Activity for Antares‭

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Comment Post #292495 Although I am totally into this topic, this anyone to post it should be someone else than me.
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292495 I did not want to just edit your text, because I think it is an excellent optimization! I have minor points though I would like to share, maybe you can improve this even further. I have your text edited to: > In order to give you helpful answers to your question, we need some more information. T...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292486 Thanks for your feedback! I know that the "wall of text" is suboptimal. But the explanation "why it was closed" without the answer to "and what can I do about it now?" is also suboptimal. I am not arguing my text is the only solution to the problem. It is just an example. i advocate the view of th...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292486 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292486 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Question Observations on close messages
I would like to address close messages on Q&A, especially on Codidact and even more special to the community-to-be of Worldbuilding. I approach this from a psychological point of view from a new user, freshly coming to Codidact and trying to post the first question (note that I am not this new use...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292467 I tried another take on the topic in Meta as you suggested to start a discussion first. Maybe this way something can be started.
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292467 I understand that asking _really anything_ is not the intended use case. But asking _anything about a topic in proposal state_ is the intended use, right? I did not mean anything else but the latter. The problem I have is that trying to "flesh out" things with members that are not really invested ...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292467 Okay, _this_ sheds light on the problem... Yes, actually, I read the Incubator as being the starting point for "birthing" new communities. Not only from _within_ codidact but also _from the outside_. If not in the incubator... where else? I considered adding a proposal first as a formality, as ...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Post edited:
deescalated the text and removed the example to put more focus on the real deal
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292458 Post edited:
linked the vision statement
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #276296 Is this one valid still?
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292459 Thank you very much for taking your time on this. 8billion answers would be nice-to-have. But really, the answers are limited by (a) the number of users here (b) the number of users understanding the post (c) the number of users wanting to contribute (d) the implicit rules existing in the Incubator t...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292444 I am talking about the posts in the Incubator Q&A (questions as well as answers). Not the proposals. And I am talking about that there is no community yet that could support my claims about the rules being true. So I have no chance of bringing something to light, if I have to fight _against_ the c...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292458 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292458 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292458 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Question Is it really like this?
Well, I had hopes. But it seems Codidact is in no way "better" than StackExchange in terms of ideas to test out new things. If this community also just "communicates" just by downvoting on everything that looks only remotely "unknown". Then I ...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292444 Yeah, I figured it would be something like this. Bravo.... how disillusioning. (Not against you, thanks for the reply)
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292444 I didn't mean to offend you personally in any way. And I did not promoted myself to be an official judge. And I agree, yes, people have different opinions and I grant that to everyone - including me. As for the interpretation of the votings: How would you call it, if the voting result shows negati...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292451 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292451 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Question Customizable personal Dashboard
As I commented about the concerns expressed in this post, I realized that there is a way to provide a more "cross-community" view and navigation. My idea is to improve the Dashboard idea for this. Currently there is a list of statically linked sub-categories only. Much nicer would be to have a ...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292417 @#53890 Good idea, I'll try that!
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Post edited:
new tags added
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292417 I understand that you want to keep a separation of communities in order to have them vote for their stuff more locally. If that is really needed, there has to be other means, like for example separate logins. As of now, I feel myself being a "Codidact member". Not a "SciSpec member alone" for e...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #290154 I agree on server-side implementation. But this can also mean client-browser-side (before upload) Andreas lost his angel wings mentioned this in the other comment. Generally it should not mean user-side. A user should not be loaded with server-side concerns. If there is need for restrictions, make...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #290154 I object: Never discourage a user from using your site. If you do, you have a site for yourself all alone very soon or not growing at all. In terms of a more general UX advise: If there are size restrictions there should probably be a function (a button) to automatically resize and compress an im...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292444 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Question Observations about the Incubator "emergence-effect" and deadlocking
Why the Incubator does not produce what it is intended for Example Persona Experience: Newbie-new-user comes to the Incubator as a fan of Movies, Worldbuilding - or ANY other non-existing community right now! A question / the first question that may be inviting to post something was ...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292282 Ah, you misunderstood / I wasn't clear. I meant a "CSI Topics" community would also be interesting for those in Writing, because they maybe write thrillers, crime stories, who dunnits etc. and need some "police work input", which could be found there.
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292415 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292415 Post edited:
m typo
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292415 Post edited:
details on the filter buttons; better example with "Worldbuilding"
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292415 Post edited:
updated TLDR
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292415 Ah I see! Good point. My suggestion would be: Announce it and change it but make clear it is an experiment intended for being there for one month, then wait for responses. If the overall feedback is negative and brings forward good reasons for it, remove it again or improve it according to the fe...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292417 Oh, maybe there can also be a hybrid solution that works: The main page just has to _very prominently_ offer access to the Incubator. "Not the communities you are looking for?" - "Start to post here to found a new one at some point". Maybe with a preview of the 10 last posts. This can be made appeali...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292417 I feel you. But really, as I mentioned, coming to the main page and not finding a fitting community, will not lead to a new user joining the "Proposals/Incubator". They just leave. While landing in the Incubator first makes immediately apparent that this is the main intended purpose of Codidact an...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292415 It would probably not be fully intuitive, but it would certainly be put into the right context and therefore gain a lot of importance and meaning. Maybe the button could be placed in front of the (sub-)site logo with a bigger arrow glyph or maybe a different icon this would bring a conclusive hie...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292417 Thank you for your feedback (in all places :)) ! I dont't want to "get rid" of the community sites! On the contrary, I think having self-governed sub-sites with own rules is great and far less restricting than on SE for example. I would like to clarify, I do not mean to "merge all the communi...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292415 Changing the title is (only) a good start or quick fix, I think. But I agree.
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292415 Oh, you mean the overhang menu, yes I forgot to mention that in the text. It is also not a good spot for putting the communites there. The menu should more like popup when clicking on the main button (the first on the left, button of the current site).
about 2 months ago